11. Carrots. These roots are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and lycopene, all antioxidants that affect lung health and lower the chances of developing lung disease. Researchers found that drinking carrot juice may help to prevent a type of damage that leads to lung cancer in smokers.
Carrot juice is another brilliant drink for the lungs. Vitamin C and A in it help detoxifying the lungs naturally.
Aerobic activities like walking, running or jumping rope give your heart and lungs the kind of workout they need to function efficiently. Muscle-strengthening activities like weight-lifting or Pilates build core strength, improving your posture, and toning your breathing muscles.
A person may not be able to change how much oxygen their lungs can hold. However, breathing exercises can help reduce shortness of breath caused by limited lung function.
Carrots have expectorant and antioxidant properties that can help fight off colds and the flu. A homemade carrot syrup works wonders in reducing the symptoms of coughing, by cleaning the airways and calming irritation.
Turmeric helps in reducing inflammation and congestion caused due to respiratory ailments. The active compound in turmeric cleanses the lungs naturally. It also helps in building the immunity and detoxifying the body. You can use raw or powdered turmeric in your milk, curries, salads and smoothies.
Foods that are rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids — such as broiled salmon or oatmeal sprinkled with flax seeds and walnuts — are not only delicious: They may also help those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to breathe easier.
Drink black coffee-Have a cup or two of black coffee. Caffeine can offer relief for shortness of breath by expanding airways and the heat aids in clearing mucus. Eat spicy foods- Foods infused with cayenne pepper or chili pepper can clear blocked sinus and bronchial tubes.
Secondhand smoke, chemicals in the home and workplace, mold and radon all can cause or worsen lung disease.
Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, and Pumpkin.
These three vegetables are packed full of beta-carotene. Your body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, which signals your body to create more white blood cells which help to fight off infection.
Drinking warm fluids, breathing in steam, and trying deep breathing and controlled coughing techniques may all help you clear mucus in the lungs without medication.
Hold your breath for 3 to 5 seconds. Then—as you let that breath out [coughing]— cough 2 or 3 times. Push on your belly with your arms as you cough. [coughing] Breathe in slowly and gently through your nose, and repeat the coughing if you need to.
While the body has some capacity for regeneration, damaged lung tissue doesn't typically regenerate on its own. This is where stem cell therapy comes in. Stem cells can replace damaged lung tissue, promoting regeneration and repair.
Recent studies have shown that the respiratory system has an extensive ability to respond to injury and regenerate lost or damaged cells. The unperturbed adult lung is remarkably quiescent, but after insult or injury progenitor populations can be activated or remaining cells can re-enter the cell cycle.