“It's a myth that cats are solitary creatures. In fact, cats strongly love their humans and want to be with us,” Geller says. But it's important to remember that cats — like humans — are individual creatures. Some want more playtime and affection, while others crave their alone time.
Some cat owners fear that keeping their cat confined to the inside will decrease their quality of life, but most vets claim that indoor cats are just as happy as outdoor cats. Although your cat may beg to be let outside, they're most likely more than happy to be kept safe in the confines of your home.
Cats form attachments to their owners that are similar to those that dogs and babies form with their caregivers. You really are more than just a source of food to your cat: A study published Monday finds that cats see their owners as a source of comfort and security, too.
This independence could be tied their wild ancestors, who were solitary animals. However, domesticated cats have evolved to crave companionship, often forming strong bonds with humans and sometimes even other pets. So, do cats get lonely? Because of the attachments they form, the answer is yes; cats can feel lonely!
Even with the convenience of a litter box and an endless supply of food, cats left alone for long stretches of time, day after day, can suffer from loneliness, boredom and even separation anxiety. Indoor cats left alone with no stimulation or environmental enrichment are more likely to become bored or lonely.
Short answer: yes. When their needs for companionship are not met, cats can become depressed. They can also get separation anxiety. Unfortunately, feline separation anxiety often goes unnoticed until it becomes severe.
Do cats actually miss their owners? Yes, they do. The cats miss the owners whenever they are away or have been detached from the owner. They notice the absence of all the showered love their owners have left for them.
Sleeping near you
If your kitty likes to sleep near you - or even on you - this is an indication that they have total trust in you.
Bottom line: AHS veterinarians recommend keeping your cat indoors. But the decision is yours. If you choose to allow your cats outside, take the proper precautions to keep your kitty healthy and safe.
Some people believe that letting cats go outside gives them a better quality of life. But most experts agree that staying indoors is the healthier choice for cats. If you want to give your cat the best of both worlds, you can try leash-training your kitty with a specially designed cat harness to help keep them safe.
Though they may seem antisocial at times, the fact of the matter is that your cat LOVES you, and really hates it when you're gone. Leaving your kitty alone for an extended period of time will likely cause serious anxiety, which can lead to destructive behavior.
Overall, cat cognition research suggests cats do form emotional bonds with their humans. Cats seem to experience separation anxiety, are more responsive to their owners' voices than to strangers' and look for reassurance from their owners in scary situations.
Anyone simply "present" in their life is someone they may remember, but not associate with any emotion. But as long as you and your cat have shared a pet or two, and as long as you fed them a few of their favorite meals, your cat will remember you as well no matter how long you are gone.
Studies have shown that cats can recognise their owners, even after they've been apart from them for an extended period of time, but they don't rely on sight to identify us.
Conclusion. Most cats don't understand that kisses from humans are a sign of affection. A cat will surely let you know if they enjoy being kissed or not. The best ways to show your cat that you love them are to give them toys, treats, and plenty of one-on-one time.
Taken as a whole, cats have excellent memories. In experimental conditions, the memory of a cat was demonstrated as having an information-retention or recall of a duration totaling as much as 10 years.
PetMD also points out that cats are territorial creatures. They claim their turf by marking it with their scent. So when they sleep on top of you, they're actually marking you—and your bed—as theirs. We should be flattered by this behavior, apparently.
To make them feel less alone, simply leaving the TV on for background noise or using a pheromone plug-in can help your cat to stay calm. If you believe being alone makes your cat anxious, it's worth testing this to see if they are calmer when you return.
While it may seem that cats are better off in their own home while you're away, they're actually more likely to be better off with a boarder or cattery. Because cats are so independent and easily frightened into hiding, they benefit much more from a controlled environment where they can be closely monitored.
Cats tend not to like closed doors in the house as they are territorial creatures and if an indoor cat in particular it will want access to the whole house as its territory.
As well as being a method of communication, staring is also a sign of a close bond between you and your cat, as they are unlikely to hold eye contact with someone they don't like or trust.