Using too much dermal filler can distort your face, make it look asymmetric and aesthetically out of balance, and in some cases, it can even make you look older than you actually are.
The effects of the fillers will wear off after months or years, but the treated area is likely to return to its original state. The benefits of both Botox and fillers will be gone and you'll notice that those lines and volume loss will come back.
Most experts agree that patients in their mid to late twenties and thirties are at a great age to start treatments. By injecting the muscles that typically cause wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, and eyebrows before they start developing, you are preventing them before they happen.
Injectable fillers and Botox will temporarily reduce the signs of aging. By relaxing muscles in the face and filling in certain areas, these two powerful anti-aging agents can make people appear dramatically younger.
Over time, as facial movement increases in areas like the lips or cheeks, it causes the filler to break down and dissolve at a quicker rate. This makes the filler disappear faster in more active areas of the face.
Excessive use of fillers distorts natural face features, causing an aged appearance. When the face becomes distorted this makes you look unnatural. And an unnatural look will make you look disproportioned. A hallmark of beauty is proportions.
Starting in our mid 30's we begin to lose approximately 1cc of volume in the facial area per year. Because of this, most patients require 1 syringe of filler per decade of life. So, for a full correction at 40 years old, you would need about 4 syringes.
Con: Side effects such as bruising, bleeding, and swelling
Most dermal fillers use naturally-occurring components. They are fully biocompatible and produce no known long-term adverse effects. However, in the short term, dermal fillers can cause bleeding, bruising, and swelling at injection sites.
Prevention and Dermal Filler Treatment
This is the age when the body produces very little, if any, collagen and elastin, so soft tissue fillers are an effective replacement around this time. That's why we see so many women and men in their 40s and 50s turning to fillers and turning back the clock on the aging process.
The FDA has warned against getting filler injected into the breasts, buttocks, or spaces between the muscles. Using injectable filler for large-scale body contouring or body enhancement can lead to serious injury, including long-term pain, infection, permanent scarring or disfigurement, and even death.
As well as stretching of the skin, excessive use of fillers can result in longer term damage including wrinkling of the lip and disturbance of the attachment of the facial fat pads and some degree of irregularity and ageing of the skin, he explains.
Fillers do go away completely. They are designed to be temporary. Since they are a gel, the body will metabolize them and absorb the material. There is no evidence that any of the filler remains.
There is a very common misconception that dermal fillers can make skin sag, however we can safely say that this is FALSE. People assume that once they have been fully absorbed by your body you will be left with loose, hanging skin leaving you looking even older than you did previously.
“The short answer is no,” says Dr. Miriam Hanson, board certified dermatologist and cosmetic expert in Austin, Texas. “Wrinkles do not become worse after having dermal fillers.” Dermal fillers comprise a family of injectable medications that restore volume in areas of the skin where it has been lost.
So how many years younger can dermal fillers make you look? Dermal fillers can actually reduce perceived age by 5 to 10 years. By eliminating facial wrinkles and restoring fullness to the skin, this injectable solution can erase years off your face in no time.
Neither dermal filler nor Botox is overall superior to the other. Botox treats the dynamic wrinkles in your upper face, while filler adds volume to skin and scars to smooth them. Dermal fillers usually last longer, but you can use both of them together to treat wrinkles and blemishes.
Treating with 1ml at a time is certainly appropriate for some areas, such as volumising lips or having smaller tweakments into other areas of the face. Sometimes, however, more than 1ml may be required – in the cheeks, for example – as 1ml may not make a discernible difference.
In reality many of my patients looking for improvement of a specific area only need about 1-2ml on average. Most people are surprised at the difference just one syringe of filler can make to a problem area.
With a few millilitres of dermal filler placed strategically, it can rejuvenate your entire appearance. Most people only need 1mL of dermal filler to enhance their whole face. The amount of filler injected will be different for every person, depending on the area they're trying to treat.
Dermal fillers are great for anyone looking to restore the smooth and youthful shape of their face. Although some last for two years, others need to be repeated every 4-6 months for best effects. If you're having several areas of the face treated, you might have to visit us more often.
Yes, lip fillers can give you a natural-looking result. Depending on what type of dermal filler you choose and the results you want, lip fillers can give you anywhere from a natural appearance to a celebrity-like pout.
“Pillow face” is a direct play on the puffy, unattractive result of using too much facial filler or transferred fat. Another term often used to describe this overfilled look is “chipmunky.”
The Results Improve Over Time
Because these injections stimulate your body's production of collagen and elastin, the final results of treatment won't be seen for several weeks. Even as the hyaluronic acid is processed by your body, healthy collagen and elastin grow at a more significant rate.