Although freezing temperatures can kill
Off the host, adult head lice can live about two to four days at 74 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and one to two days at 86 degrees. Nits will remain alive off the host for up to 10 days; they will not hatch at or below room temperature (68 degrees F).
Infested clothing, bedding, and towels should be washed in hot water (at least 130°F) and then placed in a clothes dryer on the hot cycle to kill any lice and nits. In extreme cases, individuals may be treated with a pediculicide, which is a medicine that will kill body lice.
Head lice can be active throughout the year, but they're especially active in the winter months. This is because head lice thrive in warmer and more humid conditions, and winter usually provides the ideal environment.
Lice are wingless insects that spend their entire lives on the human scalp and feeding exclusively on human blood. As long as their host is a warm 98.6 degrees and providing a comfortable, safe environment for them to live lice are not affected by the temperature outside.
Kill head lice by washing infested articles in hot water (at least 140°F) and drying in a hot dryer. Items that cannot be laundered such as headgear, earphones, and bike helmets, can be placed in a plastic bag and put in a freezer. If the freezer is 5°F or lower, all lice and eggs should be dead within 10 hours.
Permethrin lotion 1% is approved by the FDA for the treatment of head lice. Permethrin is safe and effective when used as directed. Permethrin kills live lice but not unhatched eggs.
Fall months are prime time for head lice. Here's how to spot them and get rid of them.
The peak season for lice infestation is August through October and again in January. Head lice are tiny parasitic insects that feed on human blood. Lice come in three forms: nits (eggs), nymphs (baby lice), and adults. Nits are white or yellowish-brown and about the size of a poppy seed.
With effective treatment, head lice will completely go away after two to three weeks. The duration is dependent on how many lice made a home in your hair. Make sure you follow the instructions on your medicated shampoo, lotion or cream to get rid of lice quickly.
The proportion of lice killed varied from 10% with the bonnet‐style hair dryer to 80% with the Louse‐Buster with hand piece.
Adult lice can live up to 30 days on a person's head. To live, adult lice need to feed on blood several times daily. Without blood meals, the louse will die within 1 to 2 days off the host.
Because the active ingredients have remained the same all these years, new generations of head lice have become immune to them. Once lice become immune, the product no longer works. Scientists call this resistance.
Cold water does not kill head lice and nits, because it's above freezing. If cold water is dumped on the head, the lice will only cozy up closer to the scalp, hanging on tightly with their legs. If a louse somehow makes it into cold water, it may slow down some, but will die as a result of being removed from its host.
Head lice sometimes go away on their own because there are not enough insects to maintain the infestation, or they may persist for an indefinite period without treatment. With proper treatment, the infestation usually goes away within about two weeks.
Head lice are most active at night. Itching is the first and most common symptom but may not appear for weeks after contracting lice. The itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the bug bites which can cause sores or raw skin on the scalp.
The head louse is a parasitic insect that can be found on the head, eyebrows, and eyelashes of people. They feed on human blood several times a day and live close to the scalp. Where do head lice come from? Pediculus humanus capitis, the head louse, is an insect whose only hosts are humans.
Itching on the areas where head lice are present is the most common symptom. However, it may take up to 4 to 6 weeks after lice get on the scalp before the scalp becomes sensitive to the lice saliva and begins to itch. Most of the itching happens behind the ears or at the back of the neck.
It has been clinically tested with no proven side effects. Mediker shampoo gives effective lice removal with 4 washes.
Because they don't like sunlight, ponytails, pigtails, buns and having hair up in general may make it less likely to get lice. Also, try to keep kids' jackets, hats, combs, and anything that touches the hair or neck away from one another.
There is no specific hair type that lice prefer. All lice need is a clean strand of hair to attach to. It doesn't matter the thickness, the length, if it's been colored, if it's straight, or if it's curly. It has been found that people with longer hair tend to report getting lice.
Washing, soaking, or drying items at a temperature greater than 130°F can kill both head lice and nits. Dry cleaning also kills head lice and nits. Only items that have been in contact with the head of the infested person in the 48 hours before treatment should be considered for cleaning.
Prevention of Head Lice
Weekly head checks and the use of mint spray is your best defense. Mint Spray Recipe: Put 10 drops of mint essential oil into 16 ounces of tap or bottled water in a spray bottle. Spray on hair at least daily.
Petroleum jelly (Vaseline).
Like olive oil, many moms swear by this (other options: styling gel or mayonnaise). The thick jelly supposedly suffocates lice by clogging their breathing holes. For best results, coat the hair and scalp, cover it overnight with a shower cap, and wash out the next morning. Comb for nits.