One of the most common questions people have about collies is about the hair, and yes, collies shed. "If you love a collie, you need to be prepared to either groom [her] yourself or take [her] to the groomer once or twice a month," Royds says. She suggests weekly brushing and a bath and a brush-out once a month.
Rough Collie Shedding
It's large, it's luxurious, and it tends to shed a lot—so be prepared for a bit, or a lot, of fur on your furniture. They're double-coated, so the shedding lasts year-round with an especially impressive uptick when they “blow” their coats in the spring and fall.
A Rough Collie will shed once each year. When they do, they will shed most of their coat over a 1-2-month period. Being a double-coated breed, the shed usually begins with the undercoat, followed by the outer coat.
Coat Type and Recommended Grooming
The rough is high maintenance; brushing an hour a week; needs frequent bathing. Professional grooming is desirable for the Rough Collie; not necessary for the smooth. The Rough Collie sheds heavily (in clumps) twice a year whereas the smooth Collie is an average shedder.
Bordoodle (Border Collie Poodle Mix)
The adorable bordoodle is a border collie mix that might not shed as much. A friendly doggie pal for children, keep in mind those instinctive collie herding qualities might apply to little ones as well, so early socialization for your bordoodle will be helpful.
You may be asking, “do Rough Collies bark a lot?” The answer is no, at least not compared to some other breeds. But because Rough Collies are so interested in communicating with people, they can be extremely vocal at times. However, with the right dog training techniques, barking can be effectively reduced.
Cons are that they need people around at all times. You cannot leave them for long periods of time. They will not do well in a kennel.
Are Rough Collies also suitable for dog novices? Thanks to their affable and adaptable nature, Rough Collies are extremely straightforward dogs that can also bring joy to first-time owners.
Border Collies have a constant need to be busy
Border collies can be very restless dogs. They have the need to want to do something and are often described as "jittery." Being able to constantly mentally and physically drain these dogs can prove to be quite challenging.
While many factors can influence a dog's behavior, yes, most Rough Collies love cuddling with their humans.
Rough Collies are very loyal and may be one-family dogs (although most make exceptions for children), but are very rarely aggressive or protective beyond barking and providing a visual deterrent. They are typically excellent with kids. They are eager to learn and respond best to a gentle hand.
It is important to train your rough collie to not nip, especially around children, as it may frighten little ones. Due to the rough collie's high intelligence level, he is easy to house train and learns tricks quickly. However, switch up training activities occasionally to prevent boredom.
The Collie is a clean dog and is said to lack “doggie odor.” Intelligent and energetic, Collies excel when entered into obedience, agility, and herding events. The Rough Collie is a devoted family dog and a generally healthy breed with an average lifespan of 14-16 years.
Collies are famously fond of children and make wonderful family pets. These swift, athletic dogs thrive on companionship and regular exercise. With gentle training, they learn happily and rapidly.
Males and females make equally good pets. The collie is a breed in which there is very little difference in temperament between males and females. The males are larger and carry a fuller, more impressive coat. The females are more compact and take less time to groom.
Although they both require a decent amount of exercise and activity to keep them busy and entertained; the Border Collie is much more energetic requiring more activity and attention. Either way, both are great dogs with endearing personalities and long lifespans, making them excellent pets.
The Rough Collie is a fabulous family dog. They are loving, calm, and very smart. Rough Collies do not need lots of exercise and on wet days they are more than happy with a quick walk and then spend the rest of the day snoozing or pottering around the home.
Welsh varieties – traditionally a smaller, friendly, more nimble-type dog – were crossbred with English sheepdogs to produce long- and short-haired Rough Collies. As dog ownership became fashionable during the Industrial Revolution, people began keeping Collies as pets.
The Collie's original job often involved multiple dogs who had to work together to care for a flock of animals. This translates into a breed which tends to get along well with other dogs, and also tends to be tolerant of other family pets in the household.
Lhasa Apsos don't shed, but their coats do require maintenance. Many owners keep their Lhasa Apsos clipped in a “puppy cut” to avoid daily grooming and brushing of their long hair. If you think this breed is right for you, check out the AKC Marketplace for Lhasa Apso puppies.
A 30-45 minute daily walk should keep this athletic dog in good shape. Fenced-in yards are ideal to give this active canine some extra space to run or play fetch. A rough collie will usually live 12-14 years.