Researchers found that, "Both sexes used a lower-pitched voice and showed a higher level of physiological arousal when speaking to the more attractive, opposite-sex target.
It's not about what your date is saying, but the pitch of their voice. If they lower their pitch, it could be a subtle, subconscious sign they find you attractive, the study, in The Royal Society Proceedings B journal, suggests.
Girls' bodies produce testosterone too, but not as much as boys' do. Their bodies also produce another hormone called estrogen (ESS-tro-jen). These hormones make girls' vocal cords get bigger during puberty, but they don't grow as big as boys'. So girls' voices sound higher.
In fact, it's a common phenomenon for someone to change pitch of their voice when talking to someone they're romantically interested in, and it's all because they want to make that love connection, a study says.
The authors of the study, which was published in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, concluded that this unconscious changing of tone "represents desire for affiliation and intimacy" and is a "way to communicate affection and relational connection." So don't feel awkward by your deep flirting voice.
Turns out that's what most guys do. And so do most women. Researchers found that, "Both sexes used a lower-pitched voice and showed a higher level of physiological arousal when speaking to the more attractive, opposite-sex target.
So, if someone perceives their interviewer to be more dominant than them, they raise their pitch. This may be a signal of submissiveness, to show the listener that you are not a threat, and to avoid possible confrontations.
A flirty voice is playful and light, sometimes sarcastic and witty. It gives you that tingle down your spine, and it makes the listener feel special, maybe even shy. It's the kind of voice you might hear on a TV network promo or commercial spot.
"When a woman naturally lowers her voice, it may be perceived as her attempt to sound more seductive or attractive, and therefore serves as a signal of her romantic interest," she adds. Their research also measured people's awareness of the changes in others' voices.
It's an evolutionary response for men to calmly raise their vocal pitch when speaking to a member of the opposite sex, he says. It conveys tenderness, trustworthiness, and lack of aggression. (And you do the same thing around kids, he adds.)
1. Women are more attracted to men with deep voices – and this attraction is strongest among prettier, more feminine women. In fact, women prefer a masculine voice more strongly and more unanimously to a masculine face.
As your larynx grows, your vocal cords grow longer and thicker. Also, your facial bones begin to grow. Cavities in the sinuses, the nose, and the back of the throat grow bigger, creating more space in the face that gives your voice more room to echo. All of these factors cause your voice to get deeper.
Scott Bea, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic, said the changes in pitch may have biological roots. Guys are going to talk in a low-pitched voice rather than a high-pitched voice in order to draw the attraction of female partners, he said.
You might not have to wait for a guy to confess his feelings to get verbal confirmation that he's into you. According to a new study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, guys vary their vocal pitch, shifting between both high and low tones of voice, when talking to a woman they find attractive.
So it tickled me to discover my voice was referenced in a recent dating study from the University of Sussex which found that men find a lower tone more attractive.
As a result, women find men with lower-pitched voices more attractive. It's the opposite for men, who are more attracted to women with higher-pitched voices, which is perceived as a marker for femininity. Attractiveness in the voice is important for the impressions we give our potential partners.
A different study on the perception of vocal sexiness says that men and women both find mid-pitched voices to be the “most sexy.” At the same time, a different study on interviewers' voices says that being high-pitched with an extensive vocal range is the most attractive.
“A sexy voice voice is warm and inviting. It feels as if it is spoken from the chest, rather than the head. Its tones are pleasing and not at all nasal.”
"The voices of the two people who are speaking to each other, if they are attracted to each other or if they experience positive emotions towards each other, they start becoming more similar," she said. A person will change the way they speak to more closely mimic the other person.
Apparently, the reasoning behind this unconscious reaction is rooted in evolution. The study authors theorize that men's voices instinctively deepen in order to appear more masculine to the opposite sex, but they also implement the varied pitch so they're less threatening.
Research confirms that deep voices give men an aura of power and sexual allure. Men with low, resonant voices are more likely to be perceived as attractive, masculine, respectable, and dominant.