Everyone loves MADMAX. However, from the very start, viewers are already clued in on how rough her home life is, especially when living with someone like Billy (Dacre Montgomery) who is not only a bully but also abusive towards Max.
In what is really his only redeeming moment of the series, Billy stands in front of Eleven and allows the Mind Flayer to kill him instead, being violently stabbed through the chest and subsequently dying in a horrified Max's arms.
Neil eventually married Susan Mayfield, the mother of Max Mayfield, who was introduced to Billy as his "new sister" which he did not like. Neil's abuse towards Billy turned him into a childhood bully, and he is seen in his memories beating up other kids and presumably began to extend to the abuse of Max.
What they cannot deal with, is indifference. As a child who grew up very much like Billy (although I'm nowhere near as badass, but nevertheless angry), I recognize straight away that Billy loves Max very much, and she does him too.
Max Still Feels Guilt Over Billy's Death
Notably, the two didn't have a very good brother-sister relationship. Billy was a bully, a misogynist, and caused a lot of pain in Max's life for a long time. He did sacrifice his life to save Max and her friends, but was there anything beyond that?
While there are no direct statements, it's still clear that Max suffers from mental illnesses, such as depression, trauma, and even PTSD.
In Netflix's original sci-fi series Stranger Things, Max Mayfield (played by Sadie Sink) mourns the loss of her contemptuous step-brother, Billy Hargrove (played by Dacre Montgomery).
His sister Max, upon seeing this, takes courage and uses a syringe with tranquilizer injected into the neck leaving it insensitive, finally at some point it returns to the house without knowing if it still has remorse.
Dear Billy, I don't even know if you can hear this. Two years ago, I would've said "that's ridiculous, impossible." But that was before I found out about alternate dimensions and monsters, so I'm just going to stop assuming that I know anything. So much has happened since you left. Your dad was a total mess.
With Billy acting as its servant, Eleven was in The Mind Flayer's clutches. However, in a brilliant last-ditch effort to save her own life, she used Billy's happy recollections of his mother to help him break free from The Mind Flayer's control. Billy ended up sacrificing himself to save El and her friends.
Once he was free of the Mind Flayer, he protected El and died a hero. So to summaries, Billy started off as villain in season 2, became an anti-villian at the start of season 3 and a hero throughout the rest of the season.
Max Mayfield
Though Max was not abused by Neil compared to Billy, Max actively hated her stepfather for moving her away from California. When first introducing her to Billy as children, Neil called her "Maxine", but she quickly corrected him by saying "Max".
Max and Eleven didn't get along when they first met, because Eleven was under the impression that Max liked Finn Wolfhard's character Mike. It wasn't until the third season we saw Max and Eleven bond and eventually become friends. But many fans speculate that the two characters are meant to be more than friends.
"I don't want to die. I'm not ready," Max cries as she succumbs to her wounds — even if only for a minute. Max is clinically dead before being revived by Eleven's powers, but a psychic probe of Max's mind reveals an empty void.
However, after Billy's death at Starcourt Mall, Neil started having fights with Susan, and eventually divorced her and abandoned her and Max, showing he cares about no one but himself.
Max is annoyed with Lucas throughout season 3, as he refuses to show off more of his romantic side. Eleven is having similar problems with Mike, so naturally, the two girls bond.
While alive, Billy was regularly cruel to Max, and they never bonded as step-siblings. After Billy died a hero, though, Max seems to be mourning his loss. She says in her letter, "Dear Billy, I don't know if you can even hear this.
Max rises into the sky, her limbs begin to snap, and she goes blind. Max briefly dies and the portal begins to open to The Upside Down, but Eleven throws a monkey wrench in Vecna's plan by bringing Max back to life.
Billy was stabbed to death by the Mind Flayer, sacrificing himself so that Eleven could get away, all while his sister Max watched on in horror.
William Hanna Hargrove, most people call him “Billy” – named after his grandfather, Bill Hanna, the former mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana. Billy serves as the CEO of Hargrove Roofing, LLC. He is a licensed architect and an older brother for his sister, Mae.
Which personality type is Billy Hargrove? Billy Hargrove is an unhealthy ESTP. He is impulsive, thrill-seeking, and indulges in all kinds of sensory pleasures. Billy Hargrove feels alive in high-risk situations and often does things for attention.
While the group battled the Spider Monster with fireworks at Starcourt Mall, Eleven reminded Billy of his humanity; her words prompted Billy to sacrifice his life to save Eleven's, which horrified and traumatized Max.
Sadie Sink confirms that Max Mayfield is gay and in love with Eleven. Source : Variety. “She's definitely in love with her- I just felt a connection between the two of them immediately.
After serving as bait for Vecna, she becomes his “final sacrifice,” getting her bones broken and losing her vision during a low point.
Eleven saves Max's life, but it comes at a price. Max is brain-dead and would be undergoing severe medical trauma. Whatever happens, as the series moves on to season five must address Max's state and how that may affect the show's final episodes.