Drinking adequate amounts of water is important to keeping skin hydrated and supple, and is especially important in preventing crepey skin. By ensuring you are properly hydrated with a higher water intake, you can provide your skin with the hydration it requires to stay elastic and moisturized.
Fortunately, drinking water is one of the simplest beauty tips you can get. Water helps your skin from within and can help in slowing down the onset of crepey skin. A good crepy skin product also can help.
In some people, these changes eventually give the skin the crinkly look of crepe paper. Crepey skin is more than an aesthetic issue. Thin, fragile skin can more easily bruise, break open and bleed. While crepey skin can't be entirely reversed, there are steps you can take to make your skin firmer and smoother.
The Potential Link Between Drinking Water and Improving Skin
Specifically, researchers found that in individuals with low daily water consumption — that is, those who were dehydrated to begin with — increasing water intake had a positive effect on skin appearance and helped maintain skin hydration levels.
You can already balance your skin's hydration levels in as little as 24 hours, but before you start chugging down liters of water, you must understand that there's more to skin health than just drinking water.
"You may feel a difference within minutes of drinking water," explains Mary Stewart, R.D., L.D., the founder of Cultivate Nutrition in Dallas. "In fact, one study found that participants experienced an increase in caloric burn 24 minutes after drinking water."
There are a host of options available — from lotions to surgery — that can help reduce crepey skin as you age. Some products are available over the counter and some need a prescription. Work with your doctor or dermatologist to decide what the best options are for your lifestyle and skin care needs.
Combining skincare with exercise is a great way to fight the appearance of loose crepey skin on your upper arms. And while treating skin with products that target crepiness, lines and wrinkles, performing these workouts will help tone muscles, proving an overall tighter, toned, and lifted appearance.
While there are many causes of crepey skin, including aging, hormonal changes, dehydration, weight loss, using tobacco, and even stress, Dr. McMahan says, “The main reason people develop crepey skin is prolonged or excessive exposure to sunlight.
Crepey skin combined with lack of hydration can be a dermal disaster for many, but Hirsch recommends looking for products that seal in the natural moisture your body already produces. Cue hyaluronic acid, which promises to attract and add more moisture back into the skin, keeping it radiant and smooth for longer.
Crepey skin is due to a combination of skin thinning, surface dehydration, and at a structural level, loss of collagen and elastin which we get depleted as we get older.
As its name suggests, crepey skin resembles the crepe paper from which streamers are made — it's loose, thin, and slightly wrinkled. You're most likely to notice crepey skin on your arms, hands, and neck. It's more common as you get older and begins to appear after age 40.
For starters, the thinness of crepey skin is affected by a lack of hydration, so heavy moisturization is key. 2 For crepey skin on your arms or legs, look for a body moisturizer that contains elastin stimulator ingredients like retinol and hydroxy acids, or ammonium lactate like Lac-Hydrin or AmLactin.
Coconut oil
"Trapping in water with moisturizers helps to decrease transepidermal water loss and prevents dry skin, hence, ease crepey skin," board-certified dermatologist Purvisha Patel, M.D., tells mbg.
1) Vitamin A
It's also important for healthy skin, hair and nails. The best sources of vitamin A include carrots, squash, eggs, milk, and fish. Vitamin A can be found in many foods but it's not just about what you eat—you have to make sure your body has enough of this nutrient too.
Olive Oil Fights Oxidative Stress
It plays a part in wrinkles, crepey skin, dryness, puffiness, swelling, patches, and more. One of the best ways to prevent crepey skin and battle back against oxidative damages is by using antioxidants.
Your immunity will be strengthened
That is no exaggeration! Water behaves as a catalyst for the renewal of optimal body functions. Drinking adequate amounts of water supports the performance of your liver and kidneys. These organs eliminate toxic substances, waste, and salt from your blood.
Dehydration can affect your mood and make you feel sad, grumpy and confused. Stay hydrated and feel energized by drinking the recommended amount of water (typically eight 8-ounce glasses a day). Water stimulates the flow of nutrients and hormones that release those feel-good endorphins you need to feel happy.