While some of the Islamic religious leaders advise their followers not to use social media platforms, the overwhelming majority of scholars and preachers capitalise on the effectiveness and efficiency of social media in engaging with the community of believers and enhance their fidelity and loyalty.
According to Islamic teachings, there are rules for chatting in public spaces. One of them is in Surah An Nisa verse 114. Allah says, "There is no good in most of their conversations. Unless there is a person in it who orders alms, invites the righteous, or reconciles people who are in conflict.
Social media addiction causing downsides for Muslims
For many users, social media becomes addictive, eventually disrupting their emotional and mental health. Unhealthy usage of social media can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, as well as suicidal thoughts and self-harm.
Muslims should not lie, mock, underestimate, say rudely or use coarse language and should not do backbiting. We are not allowed to post something against the Islamic laws, such as supporting bad deeds and promoting Islamic law violations.
Mufti said, "In Islam clicking a picture with useless intention is totally illegal." "If a picture is clicked to be used in Aadhaar Card, passport and other useful documentation it ok but for useless things such as to upload in social media it is not right", added Mukkaram.
Exposing the intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam as the Quran instructs the covering of male and female genitals, and for adult females the breasts.
A Saudi member of the Supreme Committee of the Muslim Scholars Association is being ridiculed on social media after declaring that using Snapchat filters isn't permissible in Islam.
Through the media, the proper propagation and understanding of Islam can be enhanced by highlighting the universal values of the teachings of Islam. The media is a very important tool for effective communication and dissemination about Islam which the Muslim world could utilize.
TikTok is all about Dancing
This app focuses on Dancing and Music, which are both not permissible in Islam. Millions of girls dancing and singing on social media have seen their videos worldwide; those people watching them are not mahram.
The social media has a significant positive impact on the Islam if properly utilised, it help spread the cause of Allah (SWT), improve the lots of human kinds and helps reduce vices in the society. But the loose or free run of the social media is detested by Islam.
It may be concluded that to retain the title of excellence, Muslims have to carry and delivered the message of Islam. For this purpose, Muslims have to utilize possible means including modern media and communication. Nowadays, the media industry has brought a glorious revolution in propagating any messages and news.
Abstract. Islam gives great importance to the fundamental human right to privacy. This is evident from the some of the verses of the Holy Quran: 'Do not spy on one another' (49:12); 'Do not enter any houses except your own homes unless you are sure of their occupants' consent' (24:27).
According to Muslims who believe in the Koran, learning to develop science and technology is an attribute of their faith. Those who are knowledgeable have clearly been shown that they will be rewarded invaluable in the last day.
The Sanctity and Security of Private Life
Islam recognizes the right of every citizen of its state that there should be no undue interference or encroachment on the privacy of his life. The Holy Quran has laid down the injunction: "Do not spy on one another" (49:12).
Pictures - as well as statues - are thought to encourage the worship of idols. This is uncontroversial in many parts of the Islamic world. Historically, the dominant forms in Islamic art have been geometric, swirling patterns or calligraphic - rather than figurative art.
Many (though not all) Muslims reject visual representations (e.g., images and sculpted figures) of religious figures, or even visual representations of living things, seeing it as a form of idolatry (worship of physical objects), which is inconsistent with their monotheism.
The religious decline of millennials
The research findings indicate that those who abstain from social media have a higher chance of attending regular church services. At the same time, those who report being active on social media attend regular church services less.
There is a general consensus among Sunni and Shia fiqh experts that Surah Al-Baqarah 221 and Surat Al‑Mumtahanah 10 ban Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men. This consensus is still standing strong. On the other hand, the Quran allows Muslim men to marry non-Muslim women (“People of the Book”).
In Islam a woman is a completely independent personality. She can make any contract or bequest in her own name. She is entitled to inherit in her position as mother, as wife, as sister and as daughter. She has perfect liberty to choose her husband.
Shahadah, profession of faith, is the first pillar of Islam. Muslims bear witness to the oneness of God by reciting the creed "There is no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God." This simple yet profound statement expresses a Muslim's complete acceptance of and total commitment to Islam.
Are Instagram filters haram? If someone's using a filter to cover blemishes, that's permissible; but to change the way their nose, eyes, or other features look, then no, using a filter is prohibited in Islam," Al Sulmi said.
The crying filter can render laughs into intense crying. Open Snapchat and tap on the smiley available next to the record option to open filters. Swipe left and tap on “Explore”. Search for “Crying” in the search bar, you will see a lot of crying filters.