Does everyone's breath have a smell?

Everyone gets bad breath from time to time — especially after eating garlic, onions or other strong foods. But bad breath that doesn't go away (chronic halitosis) could mean you have an oral health issue or a condition that's affecting another part of your body. Halitosis is a symptom of many different conditions.

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Does everyone's breath smell a little?

Almost everyone experiences bad breath once in a while. But for some people, bad breath is a daily problem, and they struggle to find a solution. Approximately 30% of the population complains of some sort of bad breath.

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Do most people's breath smell?

Nobody wants to think that he or she has bad breath, medically known as halitosis. But according to Jonathan B. Levine, DMD, an associate professor at the NYU School of Dentistry, more than half of us suffer from it. "Most people do have bad breath and just do not know it," he says.

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Does my breath actually smell?

If you think you might have bad breath, there is a simple test that you can do. Just lick the inside of your wrist and sniff - if the smell is bad, you can be fairly sure that your breath is too. Or, ask a very good friend to be absolutely honest with you; but do make sure they are a true friend.

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How can I smell my real breath?

An easy way to do this is to lick your wrist, let it dry for a moment, then take a whiff. You can also floss between two teeth toward the back of your mouth and smell the floss, or use a tongue-scraper to gently scrape the tongue, then smell the scraper.

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35 related questions found

Does everyone's breath smell in the morning?

Halitosis, bad breath, morning breath, or however you refer to it, is unpleasant and probably not the best way to say, “Good morning,” to your partner. Your dentist will tell you that everyone has some degree of morning breath. The reason, when you are asleep, your mouth begins to dry out.

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Why do some people's breath not smell?

According to this theory, our nose may filter out any bad smells coming from the mouth because we have grown accustomed to our own odors. That's because our oral cavities are connected to our noses through an opening in the back of our mouths.

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Can people smell your breath when kissing?

Yes, you can usually smell the breath of someone you are kissing.

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How do you know if you smell bad?

Go take a shower, watch TV, read a book for a while. Then, collect the clothes and give them the sniff test, especially around the pit area and anywhere you sweat profusely. If you find an odor that is unpleasant, that might be an indicator that you have a body odor problem that is leaching into your clothing.

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Why do I have bad breath even though I brush my teeth?

Mouth infections can cause bad breath. However, if your dentist has ruled out other causes and you brush and floss every day, your bad breath could be the result of another problem, such as a sinus condition, gastric reflux, diabetes, liver or kidney disease. In this case, see your healthcare provider.

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Can others smell me if I smell?

Go by the golden rule of body odor: If you can smell any odor on yourself at all, others can smell it a lot more. Put on more deodorant, use wet wipes to give yourself a quick cleanup, put on a change of clothes, or if all else fails, rub some hand sanitizer on your pits until you can fix the problem.

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Who can smell my bad breath?

Dentists often diagnose halitosis. The diagnosis is based on the person's history and mouth odor during the dental exam. The entire mouth is checked to see if a cause can be found, such as an infection If the dentist can't find the cause, he or she will refer you to an appropriate specialist, such as a doctor.

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Does everyone naturally have bad breath?

Everyone gets bad breath from time to time — especially after eating garlic, onions or other strong foods. But bad breath that doesn't go away (chronic halitosis) could mean you have an oral health issue or a condition that's affecting another part of your body. Halitosis is a symptom of many different conditions.

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Why do I smell bad even with good hygiene?

Body odor is caused by a mix of bacteria and sweat on your skin. Your body odor can change due to hormones, the food you eat, infection, medications or underlying conditions like diabetes. Prescription-strength antiperspirants or medications may help.

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Why do I think I smell bad but others don t?

Often sufferers fall into depression and shut out the world because of their stench. But doctors say the stench is entirely in their head. Instead of a glandular problem, these people actually suffer from Olfactory Reference Syndrome (ORS).

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How do you hide bad breath when talking?

More Ways to Mask Bad Breath
  1. Drink water. You want to keep your mouth moist. ...
  2. Chew sugarless gum. ...
  3. Pop some breath mints.

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Is it rude to tell my boyfriend that his breath smells?

Don't Be Too Harsh

This conversation can be embarrassing for both of you, so don't point it out in public. Some people can get defensive if they are told their breath smells bad, so be as gentle as possible when bringing up the subject.

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Is it rude to tell someone their breath stinks?

It's possible to confront a friend or partner about their problem without being offensive. He or she may be slightly embarrassed at first, but he or she will be very thankful in the long run. Bad breath may be an embarrassing problem, but there's no reason not to break the news gently and respectfully.

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Why does my girlfriend have bad breath all the time?

Dry mouth, periodontal disease, sinus infections and dietary choices can all contribute to halitosis, so it may be worth a trip to see the doctor or dentist.

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How do I tell my boyfriend I have bad breath?

If you want to be direct, you can do so in a few different ways. You could simply tell them directly to their face, which is okay if there are no other bystanders or friends around to judge and make jokes. Another way to tell them directly would be to send a simple text message.

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Can bad breath ruin a relationship?

Regardless of how much you love someone, halitosis can ruin or cause a rift in your relationship. Halitosis can be terrible, and only a few people can be comfortable with such a situation, especially if they have to handle it every day. As such, finding solutions is necessary.

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How do couples deal with morning breath?

Keep water on your bedside, mints, gums, and maybe an apple to quickly freshen up your breath without leaving the sheets. Make sure you brush, gargle and floss before going to bed. To avoid bad breath, you must also regularly clean your tongue.

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Why does my boyfriend have such bad morning breath?

Sleeping Habits. Most notably, morning breath can be attributed to lack of saliva. Those who snore or breathe through their mouths have a higher chance of developing bad breath by the morning due to dry mouth, which allows bacteria to flourish.

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