Hair that is dry, brittle, or rough needs softening and moisturizing through fatty acid-rich ingredients found in plant, nut, and seed oils and aloe vera gel. Hair that is ultra-fine or chemically damaged to the point of having a mushy, cotton candy-like feel, needs protein.
Benefits of a protein treatment for hair
If your hair is chemically processed or has heat damage then most likely protein treatments will help improve the health of your hair. Some benefits of a protein treatment are: strengthens hair. reduces frizz.
Take a strand of your hair and try stretching it. If it stretches quite far, feels a tad mushy and then snaps, it is indicative of the hair being over-moisturised. You may need more protein to reinforce your hair cuticle. If it feels dry and brittle and snaps almost immediately, it is indicative of a protein overload.
Your hair strands are made up of around 90% of fibrous proteins like keratin, which form the centre of the hair cortex and give your hair its elasticity. Protein also gives your curls strength, shape and structure, so without it they'll soon be looking weak, limp and lacking definition.
Curly hair needs both protein and moisture to stay healthy and strong. Our hair is made up of 91% protein. Protein is useful for strengthening and also for repair. However, if we damage our hair with too much straightening, colour treatments, and heat styling, the protein can break down (oops).
You will need protein in hair if your hair is porous, limp, has low elasticity, is shedding, or has been recently colored. High porous strands have tears and gaps in the hair, exposing the cortex (outer layer) to environmental stressors.
"Make sure your hair is moisturized enough — dryness is typically what causes frizz," said Roszak. So, if your ends are frizzy, it's probably due to a lack of conditioner. As for products, steer clear of heavy oils or anything that contains wax, Kimble told us.
Frizz occurs due to a lack of moisture in the hair. This causes hair to seek moisture from the air around it, which is why humidity often makes matters worse. In addition to the weather and hair's lack of moisture, there are a number of factors that can leave your hair more vulnerable to frizz.
Even for healthy hair, high humidity environments can lead to frizz when your hair absorbs excess moisture where an anti-frizz moisture hair barrier spray can help. Over-styling damaging the hair cuticle and causing frizz. Heat damage and styling is another common culprit of frizzy hair.
The hair will feel dry, brittle and stringy, because it won't have enough moisture to stretch and support elasticity. The hair will lose shine and look dull. You will have more frizz than normal, a wiry, stringy type of frizz. You may notice additional shedding, due to the hair breaking when brushing.
If your hair needs more moisture:
It will look frizzy-straight. It will lack sheen, and have a matte finish. In extreme cases, like when the hair is damaged from heat and chemicals, it will break and/or lose its curl pattern entirely so that it cannot be restored with water.
Hair that's suffering from moisture overload can become frizzy, limp, and struggle to hold your curls.
Frizzy hair tends to be drier, so you need to put moisture into it. Use a conditioner, a natural oil, or a frizz cream, Baker says. He says natural oils are better than synthetic because they are absorbed into the hair. Synthetic silicon moisturizers, on the other hand, lie on top of the hair, making it appear dirty.
shampooing too often. using a shampoo with harsh ingredients, such as sulfates, that are drying for your type of hair. not using a conditioner often enough or one that's designed for your type of hair. not including a moisturizing hair mask in your hair care routine.
While these terms are often used interchangeably and have similar symptoms, there is a common misconception that frizzy hair means damaged hair and this is simply untrue.
So, for healthy hair, eat biotin-rich foods such as eggs, liver, milk, soy, hazelnuts and yeast. Generally, a varied and well-balanced diet will bring you all the essential nutrients your hair needs to be healthy and strong.
If you notice your hair is frizzy after you apply conditioner, this may be because you haven't applied it on soaking wet hair. Your hair may also feel frizzy due to a lack of moisture, so you want to apply a deep conditioning masque that will help to prevent dryness.
“You can tell when hair is dehydrated because it's porous: it puffs up in humid weather, gets frizzy and looks dull. Every hair type needs hydration to keep the hair's cuticle smooth.
While some OLAPLEX products contain some protein, the amounts are minimal and not enough to be considered a protein treatment. Therefore, OLAPLEX is not a protein treatment. OLAPLEX works at a molecular level to rebuild the hair internally.
Some signs to look out for are excessively dry, brittle hair and shedding after using protein. It's important to pay attention to how your hair reacts and keep track of the products you're using if you want to find ways to avoid this.