Experts believe that the reason long hair is more attractive is the evolutionary one. In short, it is believed that the length of a woman's hair represents her body's ability to have children. In turn, this makes female fertility one of the markers of human beauty.
While the definition of physical attractiveness is subjective and varies from person to person, studies have shown that men with more hair on their heads and on their body do appear more attractive to women.
60% of men surveyed say they would rather date a woman with great hair than a woman with big breasts. And 78% of men surveyed consider healthy hair to be a turn-on. Now, the first thing that strikes me is that men are obviously drawn to hair that's shiny and healthy--and that makes complete sense.
FEMININITY. Healthy or Long Hair are culturally and timelessly considered to be very feminine. Men visualize femininity when they see a woman with a bountiful head of hair that looks robust and vibrant. The framing of the face with beautiful and healthy locks seem to be more pleasing to the eyes of men.
Long hair is beautiful and sensual, adds extra feminine flavour to a woman and looks sexy against a white pillow. Good long strong hair is a biological factor traditionally linked to feminine attributes of a woman, and a heterosexual man will often naturally and subconsciously find himself seeking such partner.
Hence, it can be said that women have a better perception of the length of a person's hair than men do. It is for this reason that both sexes find long faces more attractive than short ones. Furthermore, it can be said that male faces with long hair are considered more attractive than those with shorter hair.
CNN recently shared research that men are most likely to prefer women with long hair past the shoulders. Guys were asked to rate the same women's faces based upon short, medium-length, plus super long locks. Males rated ladies with longer hair as more attractive.
When men are asked to rank features they find most attractive on the opposite sex, maintained manes always dominate the list. The truth is that long hair triggers a primal, instinctive response within men. Evolutionarily speaking, long hair serves a purpose.
Men prefer a woman who can stay calm and relaxed. Beauty is more than make-up and a fancy haircut. Men find women more attractive when they are neat and clean. Men find women who smell nice, who have clean hair and hydrated skin more attractive than a face perfectly covered in makeup.
According to some men, a medium-length haircut with feathered layers is the most attractive hairstyle for women. The feathered layers create movement and texture, giving the hair a more effortless and natural look. And the medium length adds femininity and versatility, allowing for various styling options.
Nothing attracts more to a man than a woman with a high self-esteem. A confident woman is independent and can tackle any situation in her life. Even in the long run, the guy can depend on his partner and feel secured.
Generally, men prefer women with full breasts, full lips, a symmetrical face, a big smile, a wider waist-hip ratio, healthy hair, a high-pitched voice, clear skin, and big eyes; however, this may vary depending on individual preferences.
Heterosexual men tend to be attracted to women who have a youthful appearance and exhibit features such as a symmetrical face, full breasts, full lips, and a low waist–hip ratio.
Here's what they discovered: “74% of men indicated that they notice women because of their hair and 44% of men surveyed said that hair is the first thing they notice about a woman, more than her clothes (26%), legs (25%), or makeup (4%).”
Hair is certainly very important for men. From the biological importance that hair holds, looking aesthetically pleasing to maintaining their youthfulness and perceived virility, hair plays a significant part of any man's life. If you are one of the unlucky ones suffering from hair loss, there is no need to fret.
Hair is a construct reflecting our identity, history, femininity, personality, our innermost feelings of self-doubt, aging, vanity, and self-esteem. Hair also has deep sociological roots.
Women who are confident, ambitious, and emotionally intelligent will always stand out in a crowd. A good sense of humor, communication skills, and self-awareness all contribute to making a woman attractive and irresistible.
The ideal height for a woman, according to the average man, is 5'6”. Notably, this excludes 10% of men who say there is no such thing as too short and 9% who say no height is too tall. Similarly, there is no "too short" for 4% of women and no "too tall" for 7%.
They like it up and down.
43 percent of guys said they love watching a girl put up her hair, while 37 percent said they like watching a girl let down her hair. 20 percent said both are “equally hot.” It's the simple things.
In straight type, thin hair was judged most attractive, whereas in wavy type, hair with mean diameter received the highest attractiveness judgments. In conclusion, there was considerable variation in age, health and attractiveness perception of hair with regard to effects of hair diameter, type, and color.
Some men find shy women appealing and feminine. Shy women may appear to have innocent charm. Some men enjoy the concentrated attention of shy women. Many men like a woman who is shy everywhere but in the bedroom.
The results revealed that, compared to women with dark hair, men found light-haired ladies more attractive overall, but more specifically, perceived them as younger and healthier. However, there is one downfall of blondes, apparently — they were also seen as more promiscuous, which is generally not a good thing.