Magnesium Improves Brain Chemicals that Help Anxiety, OCD, Depression, and ADHD.
I typically recommend magnesium glycinate, although most forms of Mg are helpful—except for magnesium oxide, which is poorly absorbed. Improvement in symptoms once beginning Mg supplementation can take many months.
Vitamin B12 and folate are thought to be effective in OCD treatment due to their associations with neurotransmitters. Depending on their antioxidant effect, zinc and selenium can be used in augmentation therapy for OCD.
Based on current data, magnesium taurate and glycinate have the most research supporting their effects on anxiety and other mental health disorders. Magnesium malate and threonine have also demonstrated therapeutic effects and may be useful in many psychiatric cases.
The study demonstrated that newly diagnosed OCD patients have lower vitamin D levels than healthy controls. Vitamin D may play a role in the pathophysiology of OCD and may be related to the severity of the disorder.
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
The education includes information that helps to expose myths about the causes of OCD. Part of the therapy involves gradually exposing the person to situations that trigger their obsessions and, at the same time, helping them to reduce their compulsions and avoidance behaviours.
Some research studies have found evidence to suggest that oxytocin is associated with OCD. We review the growing evidence that suggests oxytocin and gonadal steroids might play a role in the pathogenesis of some forms of OCD.
The lowdown. Medical research has linked magnesium to reduced anxiety. Magnesium helps you to relax by stimulating the production of melatonin and serotonin which boost your mood and help you sleep. Magnesium also reduces the production of cytokines and cortisol, which lead to increased inflammation and stress.
Generally speaking, you will find that magnesium supplements start to work after one week of using them. After one week of regular magnesium supplementation, individuals may experience benefits such as improved energy levels, reduced muscle cramps, better sleep quality, and reduced anxiety.
Increase consumption of foods high in Vitamin B12
These neurotransmitters are important to prevent anxiety, depression and stress which are all indicators of OCD. There is an inverse relationship between homocysteine and Vitamin B12 in that homocysteine levels rise as the Vitamin B12 levels drop.
In fact, a recent pilot study of the gut microbiome in OCD has observed some dysbiosis in OCD cases compared to controls9; a previous work observed a difference in gut microbial composition in deer mice presenting an obsessive behavior compared to the normal mice10; microbial treatments such as germ-free environment ...
When low serotonin levels are experienced by someone with OCD, it can make them edgier and more hyperaware of their environments than usual, resulting in increased OCD-related behaviors such as obsessive hand-washing, counting or organizing.
What causes OCD? Experts aren't sure of the exact cause of OCD. Genetics, brain abnormalities, and the environment are thought to play a role. It often starts in the teens or early adulthood.
"Research has shown that magnesium supplementation may affect the brain functions that help lower stress and anxiety," Gorin says. It works by helping your body kick into the "rest and digest" state, or by activating your parasympathetic nervous system.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, look to magnesium. One study showed magnesium intake reduces fear memory but enhances working memory, so you'll be more inclined to take healthy risks without overthinking.
Magnesium deficiency can have a spiraling effect.
If we don't get enough magnesium from our food, we are more vulnerable to high levels of stress and anxiety.
Studies have shown that women with OCD are likely to have abnormal hormone levels and that these hormones play a role in triggering or worsening the condition.
Combined this evidence suggests that OCD may be associated with both increased and decreased dopamine signaling, or that a unidirectional model may not be adequate.