Tea tree oil is an antifungal and is capable of killing all types of molds. Tea tree oil is also an antibacterial. Most natural food stores carry tea tree oil. Make sure the oil you buy is from the Melaleuca Alternifolia, which is the technical name for tea tree, as not all brands always are.
Tea Tree Oil and Mold
Combine 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil and 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture vigorously to blend. Spray the moldy area until it's fully saturated. Let it sit for one hour, keeping children and pets away from the area.
5 Essential Oils That Kill Mold:
Tea Tree Oil. Eucalyptus Oil. Lavender Oil. Citrus Oil.
Removing Mould with Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil (also known as melaleuca oil) is a natural fungicide that is effective at killing mould spores throughout the home. It's a great choice because it's environmentally friendly, harmless to pets and people, and small amounts can be extremely effective.
Jen (SGC founder) prefers a mixture of Tea Tree Oil and Vinegar and suggests using it as a daily shower spray. Spray down the shower each day to keep mold and mildew away. Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on shower walls, shower floor and shower curtain each day. DO NOT RINSE.
Use dehumidifiers to keep relative humidity indoors between 30-50%. Utilize windows, doors, and exhaust fans to keep bathrooms and kitchens dry. Clean shower curtains and bathroom tiles regularly with mold-killing products. Vent appliances that produce moisture to the outside whenever possible.
The only effective way to permanently get rid of mould problems is by reducing the build-up of moisture in your home. This can only be achieved through better ventilation.
Use undiluted white vinegar on hard surfaces in kitchens and baths. A bleach solution also works to kill mold. Mix one cup of bleach in a gallon of water, apply to the surface and don't rinse. Mix a 50/50 solution of ammonia and water.
Can you leave tea tree oil in your hair overnight? A. Yes, you can leave tea tree oil in your hair overnight. Choose your carrier oil – could be coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil – and add 10 drops of tea tree oil to it and leave it overnight.
A natural fungicide, tea tree oil can be used to eradicate mold and mildew. Fill a spray bottle with water, add ten drops of tee tree oil, and shake. Spray on the affected wall, leave it to do the hard work, and wipe off. Repeat as necessary.
All-Purpose Cleaner
Add 10 drops of tea tree oil to two cups of hot water and a half cup of vinegar to make a multipurpose cleaner. Be careful of using vinegar on marble or granite, as it can eat away at the stone.
To safely and effectively clean a small area of mold, ServiceMaster advises the following: Add full-strength white distilled vinegar to a spray bottle and spray it on the mold. Let it sit for at least an hour before wiping away mold.
While a significant mold infestation is best handled by a professional restoration company, you have a powerful weapon against occasional mold growth in your kitchen cupboard: white vinegar. This humble household staple can kill more than 80% of mold species, including hazardous black mold.
The most popular essential oil blend for mold, Thieves is a blend of oils such as cinnamon essential oil, eucalyptus, cloves, lemon, and rosemary essential oils. By combining the antifungal properties of these oils, you have a high success-rate of “killing” mold and mildew.
Use a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup (8 ounces) household laundry bleach per 1 gallon of water to kill mold on surfaces.
Mold hates light. Other than moisture there's nothing mold loves more than dark places. An easy prevention against mold growth is opening your blinds and shades. If it's warm enough out, open the windows.
It is also very important that there is adequate ventilation in the room. Open a window or door so the mold spores can escape, instead of staying locked in your home.
Bleach kills virtually every species of indoor mold that it comes into contact with including mold spores which leaves a sanitized surface making it resistant to future mold growth.
Yes, if you have damp and mould in your home you're more likely to have respiratory problems, respiratory infections, allergies or asthma. Damp and mould can also affect the immune system.
Rubber Tree. Whether in burgundy or regular green, rubber trees (also known as rubber plants) will produce lots of oxygen—more than any other plant, in fact! In addition to producing oxygen and eliminating air toxins, the rubber tree effectively removes mold spores and bacteria from the air (by up to 60%).