An increase in vaginal discharge can be a sign of pregnancy. It is typically a thin clear, or milky white liquid.
White vaginal discharge is healthy and often appears right before and after menstruation. However, if it accompanies any symptoms, such as itchiness, pain, a burning sensation, a bad odor, or any unusual changes in discharge, contact a doctor, as this may indicate an infection.
Your cervical mucus changes throughout your menstrual cycle. Wet and slippery cervical mucus indicates fertility. This type of discharge makes it easy for sperm to swim to an egg at ovulation. Some people find charting their cervical mucus helps identify when they are most likely to conceive.
Milky white discharge is a typical part of the menstrual cycle. According to Planned Parenthood, before ovulation occurs, a female's discharge can be white and cloudy. At this time, it can also feel sticky or tacky. However, white discharge may also signal a vaginal infection or pregnancy.
Clear and stretchy — This is “fertile” mucous and means you're ovulating. Clear and watery — This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be particularly heavy after exercising. Yellow or green — May indicate an infection, especially if it's thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.
Normal discharge during pregnancy is clear or white, and usually a bit sticky; it should not have a noticeable odor. It's OK if your discharge looks a little yellow on your underwear or panty liner during pregnancy, too.
Discharge before a period tends to be cloudy or white, due to the increased presence of progesterone, a hormone involved in both the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. In other phases of the cycle, when the body has higher levels of estrogen, vaginal discharge tends to be clear and watery.
Overview. Galactorrhea (guh-lack-toe-REE-uh) is a milky nipple discharge unrelated to the normal milk production of breast-feeding. Galactorrhea itself isn't a disease, but it could be a sign of an underlying problem. It usually occurs in women, even those who have never had children or after menopause.
Implantation cramping and light bleeding may be an early sign of pregnancy. It is easy to mistake these symptoms as menstrual cramping or light bleeding. For this reason, it is important to recognize the other early signs of pregnancy. However, these symptoms alone do not prove a pregnancy.
A few days before your period starts, your vaginal discharge may be cloudy or white. This means white vaginal discharge and cramping could mean your period is late. Cramping without a period could also be a sign of irregular periods, endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
Day 1: The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell. Day 2: The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus. Day 3: The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation. Day 4: Implantation continues.
Symptoms of rising hCG levels can include fatigue, nausea/vomiting (aka morning sickness), dizziness or light-headedness, breast tenderness, and feeling emotionally sensitive.
What kind of cervical mucus indicates pregnancy? Leukorrhea is a type of early pregnancy discharge. This sign of pregnancy is often milky white, thin, and generally harmless. However, sometimes this vaginal discharge may also be an early indication of infection, so it's important to note any changes or symptoms.
Type 4 cervical mucus is indicative of the most fertile time of the cycle. Intercourse during this period will likely increase your chances of pregnancy. Multiple studies have suggested that the best chance of pregnancy is when intercourse occurs on a day which is near ovulation and Type 4 cervical mucus is present.
Cervical Mucus
In addition to spotting, you may notice a milky white discharge coming from the vagina, another one of the pregnancy symptoms before missed period. Right after conception, the vaginal walls begin to thicken, and the elevated growth of these cells lining your vagina causes the white discharge.
Things like missing your period, sore or tender breasts, feeling more tired and nausea (morning sickness) are common symptoms of early pregnancy. Some people have symptoms of pregnancy before they miss their period.