Consider this definition of negativity: “A tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable, and skeptical. It's a pessimistic attitude that always expects the worst. Negative outcomes are bad outcomes like losing a game, getting a disease, suffering an injury, or getting something stolen.”
If someone is exposed to negativity or constant criticism early on in their lives, they may mirror that behavior. Children raised in an environment where criticism, pessimism, doom and gloom, and negativity are common will end up having that mapped into their developing brains as typical behavior.
Even your worldview can become skewed by their incessant lack of enthusiasm. Under the influence of a negative person, you might even second guess yourself on important decisions, feel sad, uncomfortable or depressed.
The negative person doesn't believe they are cynic. They don't recognize that they talk down everything and everyone, but especially anyone who is trying to do something big.
A toxic person is anyone whose behavior adds negativity and upset to your life. Many times, people who are toxic are dealing with their own stresses and traumas. To do this, they act in ways that don't present them in the best light and usually upset others along the way.
Pessimistic describes the state of mind of someone who always expects the worst. A pessimistic attitude isn't very hopeful, shows little optimism, and can be a downer for everyone else. To be pessimistic means you believe evil outweighs the good and that bad things are more likely to happen.
Letting go of negative people doesn't mean you hate them, or that you wish them harm; it just means you care about your own well-being. Because every time you subtract negative from your life, you make room for more positive.
Negative people should get the least of our time and energy, yet we often give them the most attention. Spending time with negative people can be the fastest way to ruin a good mood. Their pessimistic outlooks and gloomy attitude can decrease our motivation and change the way we feel.
Negative thought patterns, or cognitive distortions, can manifest as incorrect assumptions, unrealistic self-criticisms, and even the denial of reality itself. Yet, the effects of this thinking can be all too real for someone struggling with their mental health.
Individuals high in negative affect will exhibit, on average, higher levels of distress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction, and tend to focus on the unpleasant aspects of themselves, the world, the future, and other people, and also evoke more negative life events.
The Naysayers.
If someone is for nothing, their voice does not deserve to be heard. Anyone can say things won't work, but it takes a leader to make things happen. If someone has a history of doing things and they say no, take their no seriously. But if someone just has a history of being a naysayer, ignore them.
It might seem counterintuitive to put the focus on yourself when trying to deal with negative people, but it's actually one of the most useful things you can do. Trying to alter someone else's behavior is impossible; you can't change people who aren't willing to change themselves.
Whilst everyone experiences negative thoughts now and again, negative thinking that seriously affects the way you think about yourself and the world and even interferes with work/study and everyday functioning could be a symptom of a mental illness, such as depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders and ...
In Hindu theology, arishadvarga or shadripu (Sanskrit: षड्रिपु; meaning the six enemies) are the six enemies of the mind, which are: kama (desire), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), mada (Sense of I), moha (Attachment), and matsarya (Partiality); the negative characteristics of which prevent man from attaining moksha.
Strong-willed can be persistent (positive) or stubborn (negative) Sensitive can be caring/empathic (positive) or easily upset (negative) Honest can be communicative/trustworthy (positive) or insensitive/brutal (negative)
1 Negative Traits: Overly assertive or aggressive, dominating, impulsiveness, egotistic, boastfulness, willfulness. 2 Positive Traits: Cooperation, adaptability, considerate of others, sensitive to the needs of others, partnering, an arbiter or mediator, modest, sincere, spiritually influenced, a diplomat.
Summary. Negative affectivity, or the tendency to experience negative emotions, is recognized as the core underlying feature of a range of emotional disorders, including but not limited to depression and anxiety.