And as your brand grows, so will your follower numbers. Once you understand the importance of your TikTok username, it's easy to see why you shouldn't consider how to change TikTok username lightly. When you change your brand, it's easy for people to lose the association between you and your content.
Note: Your username can only be changed once every 30 days. Usernames can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and periods. However, periods can't be put at the end of the username.
For instance, entertainer Lizzo has the username of @lizzo on TikTok. Your profile name, on the other hand, is the name that appears at the top of your profile in the TikTok app. If you use your real name here, when people tap through your videos to see your profile, they will see your real name.
Overall, changing your Tiktok username can cause a lot of disruption to your account and may result in a loss of followers and engagement. So, if you're thinking about changing your username, be sure to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.
To change your name on TikTok before 30 days, you can change the date & time settings in your mobile phone. Just go to Settings > General > Date & Time > Turn off Set Automatic > Manually set the date to 30 days advanced. Then it tricks TikTok and you can change username before 30 days. Q2.
Age restrictions
TikTok requires its users to be at least 13 years old.
When your phone isn't connected with Wi-Fi or mobile data or it uses weak data or Wi-Fi signal, you might have trouble when changing your profile picture on TikTok. You can reconnect the network or switch from Wi-Fi to mobile data.
The problem is, TikTok assigns you a username, usually based on your email address — an odd choice for a platform made for self-promotion. If you're not happy with your random TikTok handle, you can change it. TikTok doesn't make changing your username super obvious, though.
Your TikTok bio should be a short and sweet introduction to your TikTok profile. It's your opportunity to showcase your personality with words and emojis instead of just your collection of videos for anyone checking out your TikTok profile and trying to decide whether or not to follow you.
When you change your username, your followers will notice the new username on your profile, and after some time, your old username will be available for others to use. So, when you have left your old username, it can be used by someone else.
No, TikTok doesn't send notifications to your followers about your display name or username change. However, your followers will see the new name when they visit your profile or come across your videos.
If an account remains inactive for 180 days or more, the username may be reset to a randomized numeric username.
If you're logged in to your TikTok account and use the app to search for a particular profile, it will notify them that you were checking out their content the next day. You can always like or comment on their videos, letting them know you're only checking their profile to enjoy their content.
Yes, TikTok will tell you who has viewed your profile within the last 30 days as long as you enable the TikTok Profile View History feature in the settings. The prerequisite for this feature is that only TikTok users have also turned on the Profile View History and have visited your TikTok profile in the past 30 days.
Yes, creators can see some of the people who viewed their TikTok profile, as long as they have the profile views feature enabled.
All of their followers will remain intact even with a different username, their For You page recommendations won't be different, and the rest of the app experience will remain exactly the same.