Choose a litter that is unscented, absorbent, and as dust-free as you can find. Litters that contain dust can cause respiratory problems for cats when the dust is inhaled as the cat digs. You may be tempted to purchase scented litter to mask litter box odors.
The choice between clumping and non-clumping litter is a personal decision that will depend on what you want in a cat litter and what your cat prefers. Many cats appear to prefer clumping litter because it is easier for them to push aside, but some cats prefer non-clumping clay.
In general, bigger is better and many litter boxes are too small. Litter boxes should be 1 ½ times the length of your cat from the nose to the base of the tail. The litter box needs to be large enough to allow your cat to enter, turn around, scratch, and eliminate.
Vets often say that unscented clumping litter is best: “I always recommend unscented, clumping cat litter,” says Jim D. Carlson. “Scented litter is designed for humans, not cats. Felines have a strong sense of smell with 67 million scent receptors.
How Often Should You Change the Cat Litter? If you use a clumping litter, it's best to scoop the box daily and change it out completely at least monthly. If you have more than one cat, it may be best to change the cat litter more often, every 2-3 weeks.
When individual cats were assessed, 70% showed absolutely no preference (i.e. used both boxes equally), 15% used the covered litter box more significantly, while 15% used the uncovered more than the covered. Pretty even results. It seems cats tend to think inside the box - as long as it's clean.
Having multiple boxes prevents overcrowding into one, where your cat has to step on others' waste and may feel like there's not a spot clean enough to “go.” Not finding what she needs in her litter box, she'll choose another spot where no stepping over waste is required.
Most cats don't like them either. They don't like not being able to see while they're doing their business.
Some people prefer non-clumping litter because it is often less expensive than clumping litter, and others choose it because their cats prefer it.
While clumping litter might be the standard for adult cats, it's a risk to kittens if ingested, and should not be provided until the kitten is at least 2-3 months old and well accustomed to the litter box. Instead, opt for a natural, pellet-based litter that is less likely to be inhaled or ingested by a young kitten.
The best places for litter boxes are usually quiet, easy-to-reach corners that offer privacy, de Jong says. “Check out where your cat spends the most time,” de Jong says. “If your cat never goes up to that weird attic room, don't put the litter box up there.”
“Cats will sometimes jump into the litter boxes and often use them while, and right after, their people have scooped them,” says Marilyn Krieger, certified cat behavior consultant. “Cats love clean litter boxes, ones that are freshly scooped and don't smell of excrement.
However, Cats Can Share Water Bowls
There also is usually a lot more water, enough for everyone. Although, cats can drink from the same water bowls throughout the day, have at least 2 bowls of fresh water out in a multi-cat household. Place water bowls in different rooms and on different floors in your home.
Place litter boxes in separate, socially important areas.
Litter boxes should not be in a dark corner in the basement, garage, or hidden. If your cat is marking outside the litter box, it's important to put the boxes places where they're marking.
For the most part, all experts agree…the litter box should be scooped 1-2 times each day. “Litter boxes should be scooped at least once or twice a day, and it's even better if you can get to it as soon as your cat has finished his business,” said By Dr. Stephanie Janeczko in this featured post on Petfinder. Dr.
Covered litter pans help contain litter “scatter”, and they can also confine odors. Unfortunately, while these attributes make covered boxes a preferred choice for cat owners, they are not preferred by our feline friends. While urinating or defecating, cats are in a vulnerable position.
Follow this simple rule: one box per cat, plus one extra. So if you have two cats, you should have three boxes. Making sure everyone has their space can help ease elimination issues. Some owners prefer a hooded box, but some cats don't like them.
A covered box can make a larger cat feel cramped while in there. Covered boxes don't allow as much air circulation so it takes longer for litter to dry. Odor is contained in the box, so it can be more offensive to the cat who is inside.
Dirty litter boxes can cause kidney, bladder, and urinary tract diseases in cats. When a kitty squats over a pile of feces, bacteria can travel up the urethra, wreaking havoc all along the way. And since UTIs are often asymptomatic in cats, your kitty could be sick a long time before you know to get treatment for her.
Place it in a plastic bag, tie it shut, and put it in your regular garbage. A biodegradable bag will give it a better chance to break down in the dump. Your cat should never be allowed outdoors without scrupulous supervision.
If you do need to move their box, one idea is to move it gradually ( a little at a time each day) so that they don't get confused and will know where to find it. The bathroom is one of the best places to keep your cat's litter box. Messes will be easier to clean up on the tile or hardwood floor than on carpet.