Electric toothbrushes contain batteries and must not be placed in your household landfill or recycling bin. If batteries cannot be removed from the device, the whole device must be disposed of for free at the hazardous waste area at the ACT Government Resource Management Centres: Mugga Lane Resource Management Centre.
Do NOT dispose of in the trash or recycling. Rechargeable batteries are considered household hazardous waste. Items with the corrosive, explosive, flammable, or poisonous symbol must be dropped off for safe handling. Batteries burned in waste combustion facilities can release mercury or cadmium to the air and water.
Bring your old toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and other everyday dental care waste to any Bupa Dental and drop it into the recycle bin provided.
Electronics: Australia has a national recycling scheme for televisions, all kind of computers (including printers and scanners), and computer accessories. Find a recycler through the National TV and Computer Recycling Scheme. MobileMuster is a not-for-profit recycling scheme for mobile phones and their accessories.
E-waste should not be put in your rubbish or recycling bin. Take e-waste to a drop-off point. To find your closest e-waste drop-off point, use the Recycling Near You directory.
Good to know
These items should not be sent to landfill and should be recycled at Recycling Centres, electrical item bring banks or via electrical retailers - visit recycleyourelectricals.org.uk to find out more.
You can recycle your electric toothbrushes at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) or at participating retailers that allow you to drop off electricals (conditions may apply): Battery operated toothbrushes. Electric toothbrush handles. Batteries.
National Geographic explains that plastic toothbrushes aren't recyclable because the composite plastic used to create them doesn't break apart efficiently, and chunks get stuck in recycling machinery.
With your help, we can ensure these used products find new life. Join us in this effort with Crest and Oral-B Recycle On Us. We accept toothbrushes, brush heads, toothpaste tubes, mouthwash containers, floss containers and floss picks. How can you get started?
Another way to recycle your electric toothbrush is to take it along to your local recycling centre. To find your nearest one, visit https://www.recyclenow.com/local-recycling. Philips is not responsible for the content of any third party websites.
Electric toothbrushes can be packed in carry-on or checked luggage. Pack electric toothbrushes with lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries in carry-on luggage. Here are a few more FAQs and tips for keeping your teeth clean and fresh while flying.
How Often Should You Replace an Electric Toothbrush? As stated above, you should replace your electric toothbrush every three to five years, depending on your use. However, the brush comes with removable parts, for instance, the electric toothbrush head. Brushes generally last 3-6 months, but some can go longer.
Electric toothbrush heads can be recycled and shipped separately through the Colgate Oral Care Recycling Program - sign up for free.
Unfortunately, because typical electric toothbrush heads are made of mixed materials these cannot be recycled and will always end up in landfill. But please read on, because we have an easy, eco-friendly solution that will make you feel much better!
The American Dental Association recommends replacing toothbrushes every three months. It's around this time that bristles begin to break down and become less effective at cleaning your teeth. Germs are another factor.
Unlike manual brushes, electric toothbrushes use electricity (often from nonrenewable sources) and are powered by a charger or batteries, which contaminate the environment if disposed of improperly.
The extra complexity that the rechargeable battery brings to the electric toothbrush along with the use of nylon and plastics shows that the impact of the electric toothbrush goes farther than the bathroom it inhabits. The outer casing and brush heads are primarily made of plastics and nylons.
Grab your antibacterial mouthwash. Detach the brush head from your toothbrush handle, and put it into a bowl/container. Pour the mouthwash over your brush head until it's completely submerged, and leave for 3-5 minutes. Rinse your toothbrush head under hot water, and leave it to dry upright.
Always carry it as part of your personal item or hand luggage and pack it in a way that will not cause any potential damage during transit. Most check-in and cabin baggage restrictions state that the Lithium battery must not exceed 160 Wh.
On the one hand, your electric kettle should never go in the waste bin, just like other electrical appliances. But, on the other hand, it shouldn't go in the recycling bin either, and here's why. Electric kettles are what we consider e-waste, and there is a particular recycling method for them.
Take it to a recycling centre in your area
Due to the environmental harm that microwaves and other trash electrical and electronic equipment may do if they wind up in landfills, households are urged not to put them in their domestic or general garbage bins under white goods disposal regulations.
Items that aren't suitable for reuse or donating to charity can be recycled and repurposed into new items. Make sure old clothes and shoes are disposed of at recycling points rather than being put into the bin and destined for landfill. You can use our locator to find a clothing recycling bank near you.