INFPs are usually seen as private yet kind individuals. Because they value depth and authenticity to such a great degree they are usually selective about who they spend their time with. They often seem mysterious to others because a lot of their vivid, inner world is very private.
We are kind, empathetic and very relatable, and i think RELATABLE is the key. I think ppl tend to lean towards things or ppl that are relatable. Even if an INFP has not been in your shoes, this is often the case, the ability to read someone and empathize with them gives the other person a warm, comfy, safety feeling.
Because we're sensitive introverts, we need time alone to recharge. And we're often deeply involved with a cause, an art form, or a passion project, so boundaries are especially important to us. Some mistakenly believe our boundaries are not important and they don't have to respect them, or, consequently, us.
INFPs are unique individuals with a rare set of abilities — including the power to masterfully understand emotion and the human experience. At their best, INFPs bring emotional healing to others and inspire incredible change in the world. INFPs are also rare, making up about 4 to 5 percent of the population.
They worry about what others think and may be upset or offended to learn that someone perceived something they did or said as wrong. But by changing their understanding of “wrong”, INFPs can learn to be less sensitive to what other people may think or say.
ENTJ. Of all the personality types, ENTJs are arguably the ones who care least about other people's opinions of them.
INFP is the opposite personality type of ESTJ. Other similar personality types include INTP and ENFJ.
INFPs are most compatible with the other Intuitive-Feeling types—ENFJ, ENFP, and INFJ—as well as ESFJs.
An INFP, ever the optimist, is idealistic about everything. And while this can be criticized as being impractical or unrealistic, it means that we are dreamers. We tend to see the best in people — even when they can't see it themselves. This is often what keeps us from falling into despair.
One of the reasons why INFPs disappear or ghost people is because they need time to process what's going on in their heads before responding. INFPs are often deep thinkers who need quiet time alone to reflect on things that happened throughout the day.
INTJs are often misunderstood simply because there are so few of them around. Making up only 2.1% of the US population, they understand the world in a fundamentally different way than most other types. While the rest of the world looks first to tangible data, INTJs follow symbols and underlying meanings first.
INFPs get embarrassed when they are put on the spot and are expected to react emotionally to something. This could involve something like being given a really exorbitant gift or having a surprise party thrown for them.
INFPs are very trusting, to begin with. However, when they have been repeatedly hurt, it is the opposite – they become hypervigilant, paranoid, and have difficulty trusting anyone. They may become extremely suspicious of the world in order to protect themselves from being hurt again.
As Intuitive Feelers, they're fascinated by human nature and wish to understand you at a deep, emotional level. So, if an INFP really likes you, they'll go out of their way to talk to you and engage in a meaningful conversation. It's their way of telling you that they care and want to know you better.
INFPs possess strong value systems, are future-oriented, creative, and highly religious or philosophical individuals. Driven to meet the needs of others, INFPs tend to choose creative or human service-oriented careers that allow them to use their instinctive sense of empathy and remarkable communication skills.
INFJs are the fifth cutest personality type. These mysterious souls have a deep understanding of emotions and are incredibly intuitive. They're always there with a hug or encouraging words when you need them most.
INFPs are often very selective about who they share their innermost feelings with, so it may take them a long time to let a potential partner in. Once they're in a relationship they are empathetic, dedicated, and loyal.
The INFP. Gentle-natured and kind, you're someone who can make a big difference in groups without being the center of attention. You come across as warm and genuine when meeting people for the first time. Often, you prefer others to introduce themselves to you first.
Intrapersonal intelligence, INFP
The most obvious personality type match for this intelligence type is the INFP. INFPs are sensitive and emotionally intelligent, committed to following their core values and motivations in everything they do. This means they're likely to value intra-personal intelligence highly.
INFPs sense and feel things that many personality types never will. This sensitivity to feelings is beneficial in several ways. First, it yields some pretty incredible art, for much original art is born of authentic feelings. Second, it affords an INFP the unique ability to feel what other people are feeling.
INFPs are a lot like ISFJs and INFJs when it comes to feeling comfortable before flirting. They like to cyber stalk their love interests, but can be somewhat shy with them in person until communication has opened up a bit. You'll find that INFPs make this open communication flow happen rather quickly.
ESFPs are one of the personality types to fall in love fastest. They throw themselves into lots of things head-first, and this includes love. ESFPs enjoy the thrill of falling in love, the butterflies in their stomach, and the anticipation of seeing that special someone.
INFPs are sometimes referred to as “the Mediator,” “the Idealist,” “the Healer,” or “the Dreamer.” ESTJ is the opposite personality type of INFP.
INFP: Pisces
If INFPs were a zodiac sign, they would be Pisces. The personality traits associated with Pisces are intuitive, compassionate, and sensitive. Characteristics of a Pisces include an artistic side, being mysterious, and a deep understanding of emotion.
In fact, many of us (if not all) struggle daily due to our high sensitivity, introversion, and detachment from reality. However, our unique personality also comes with some major perks — and we INFPs often give ourselves too little credit for them because we are often down-to-earth and too hard on ourselves.