Season the fish with salt and pepper to taste. Place the fid on aluminium foil, add a knob of butter, sliced lemons, juice of the orange and herbs in or onto the fish. Place the other ingredients on top of the fish. Drizzle the fish with lemon juice and wine, wrap the fish in the foil and put on the steaming tray.
Rub lemon juice on fish before cooking. This will help the fish maintain its color and add to its flavor.
As the pieces of fish sit in the marinade, the citric acid from the juice slowly causes the flesh's proteins to denature, in very much the same way that heating will. The result is raw fish with the opaque appearance and firmed texture of cooked fish.
The acid from the limes and lemons changes the structure of the proteins in the fish, essentially "cooking" the fish without using heat.
Citrus fruits are often used in cooking to “brighten” flavors and work well to counter many of the briny flavors present in seafood. This is why lemon and fish can go so well together. The salt and the acid balance each other while doing a little flavor dance on the palate.
Diners who enjoy seafood but do not always appreciate strong, fishy flavors prefer to use lemon to reduce the intensity of the taste.
Also, you can marinate the fish in a mixture of lemon juice, vinegar, and water for 30 minutes. This will help to neutralize the fishy taste.
Adding lemon juice to aquarium water is not a recommended method for treating fish health issues or maintaining water quality. Lemon juice can lower the pH of the water and can cause fluctuations in the water chemistry, which can be harmful to the fish.
It can also help to tenderize the fish and make it easier to cook. But how long should you soak fish in lemon juice? Soaking time will depend on the type of fish you are using. For thinner cuts of fish, like tilapia or flounder, you will only need to soak for about 15-30 minutes.
Because the fish has been marinated in an acidic mixture, ceviche should be safe to eat for about two days when stored in the fridge. However, the texture will continue to change as the acid in the citrus juice breaks down the protein, which is why we don't recommend trying to make leftovers out of ceviche.
To properly wedge lemons, start by topping and tailing. Then stand on end and slice lengthwise into quarters. Take each quarter, still standing on end, and slice out the pith (white vein) and seeds. Lay skin side down, cut wedge in half lengthwise, yielding a total of eight prepped lemon wedges per whole lemon.
Commonly used acids are lime & lemon juice. Since the acid will not cause the evaporation of any moisture, the fish won't be as prone to drying out. That said, it is possible to 'overcook' ceviche!
As fish is more delicate than chicken or beef, avoid leaving strong citrus-based marinades on fish for more than 10 to 15 minutes or you will end up with ceviche. The acid in ingredients such as lemons or limes will “cook” the fish if given the time. Season the fish with salt and pepper just before adding the marinade.
Both heat and citric acid are agents of a chemical process called denaturation. In this process, citric acid changes the proteins in the fish which alters its chemical and physical properties. When fish is submerged in citrus juices, it turns the flesh firm and opaque, as if it had been cooked with heat.
If you want to remove odor from the fish pieces add lemon or vinegar during marination. Use juice from one lemon for 10 fishes.
Or, you could substitute the lemon juice with half as much white wine or white vinegar. Keep in mind that vinegar is best if used to substitute for a small amount of lemon juice, since too much will give your dish a strong vinegar taste.
A common misconception is that the acidity in the lime juice rids the fish of bacteria. Untrue, according to parasitologists. The lime juice will not kill any type of parasites in fish; if at most, the juice will make the worms taste better. How do you make sure that the seafood will not produce any foodborne illness?
Marinating fish or shellfish with vinegar, lemon juice, or lime juice gives them a nearly cooked appearance. Soak fish in water and vinegar for about an hour before cooking to keep the flesh white; more importantly, if you add vinegar to a court bouillon, the fish will remain whole and firm.
The flesh is delicate and sweet in taste, making it a favourite amongst flatfish. While lemon sole might not be as versatile as other white fish, it is perfect for simple dishes with an elegant taste. The lemon sole has a very delicate and tender meat with a lot of texture. It can be easily baked, steamed and grilled.