Standard golf attire should be worn, typically a collared shirt and nice dress pants. You may also want to wear a hat. A nice pair of shoes should be worn as well. For tournament play, caddies may be provided with a uniform or a caddie bib to wear.
All caddies must wear a collared shirt. Male caddies may wear slacks or hemmed shorts, not more than 2” above the knee. Female caddies may wear slacks, shorts, skorts, or golf skirts/dresses, all hemmed appropriately. Caddies must wear smooth, rubber-soled shoes.
The caddie uniforms have been this way since the early 1940s and the decision to wear a white jumpsuit on a golf course turned out to be an innovative decision at the time.
The tradition of caddies wearing white jumpsuits at Augusta National dates back to when the course opened in 1933. Augusta used to employ poor people from the local community and members insisted on providing them with a white suit to make them look smarter.
In fact, a lesser-known Masters tradition allows that the caddie on the bag of the tournament winner is allowed to hang on to the long-sleeve, zip-up outfit as a keepsake, a sort of green jacket for the carrying class.
A caddie's main tasks include: Carrying golf equipment and scoring rounds: Caddies carry a golfer's clubs, balls and other equipment around the golf course. They might also score the round by writing down the golfer's result at each hole.
A caddie will negotiate a contract with their player and while the details will vary, the industry standard is that the caddie will be paid a weekly stipend of between $1500 and $3000 per week.
Eligibility Requirements: At least 13 years old, strong enough to carry at least one bag for 18 holes, understand & appreciate game of golf, have a strong work ethic and are able to caddie on a regular basis.
It derives from the 1930's when the club opened. The caddies were all mostly poor African American men, and the club founders and members wanted all the caddies to look “smart” and neat, and so they adopted the white jumpsuit.
Every caddie should have a pre-game checklist of items needed before a round. Ensure that you have a scorecard and pencil, as well as a towel. You should also keep a handful of tees and a few balls in your pocket so you have them at the ready if needed by your golfer.
Qualifications for a golf caddy job do not include formal education, but they instead focus on experience and knowledge of golf. Many job candidates get both through work as a groundskeeper at a golf course. This gives you opportunities to network and find temporary employment at scrambles or tournaments.
Golf tournaments currently allow men to wear shorts in practice rounds and pro-ams, while women golfers and caddies are allowed to wear them during competitive games.
According to the definition in the Rules of Golf, a caddie is one who assists the player in accordance with the Rules, which may include carrying or handling the player's clubs during play.
The average golf caddy gross salary in Australia is $42,246 or an equivalent hourly rate of $20.
Yes, caddies still get paid even if their player misses the cut. Typically, caddies and their players agree on their base pay for the week.
Tiger Woods' caddie typically earns a five to 10 percent share of his golfer's earnings, according to Golf Week. A caddie can earn between $1,500 and $2,500 per week during golf tournaments, Forbes reports.
The golf caddy is an important job. The caddy is there to help provide assistance to the golfer and serve their needs. They have many different types of responsibilities that go beyond carrying the golfer's clubs and keeping score.
In the 15th century Mary Queen of Scots was studying in France and introduced the game to the French. While she displayed the game to the French she had helpers to carry her equipment. These helpers were from the military and were called cadets, hence the term “caddie”.
There are over 13,426 golf caddies currently employed in the United States. 8.2% of all golf caddies are women, while 91.8% are men.
First, the caddie receives a regular base salary to work for a player, usually between $1,500 to $3,000 per tournament. This is important because most PGA Tour caddies pay their travel expenses, including lodging, food, etc. The caddie is making financial investments in each tournament played, just the like the player.
A caddie may touch the putting green with a hand, foot or anything he or she is holding, but must not improve the conditions affecting the stroke in breach of Rules 8.1a beyond what is allowed in repairing Page 2 damage on the putting green (Rule 13.1c(2).
Starting in 1999, the PGA Tour started to allow caddies to wear shorts when the heat index (a combination of temperature and humidity) rises above 100. This was in response to an incident at the Western Open outside Chicago when a caddy suffered a heart attack during the summertime tournament."