Instead of covering them up, say sorry and gain their empathy. Being honest and transparent with your readers in every way will give you higher trust ratings. Even though the other readers defended Neil saying that he did nothing wrong by linking to relevant posts on his blog, he apologized anyway.
Give your readers things they'll like because everything we write should be for the reader. The more helpful, entertaining, encouraging — fill in the blank, whatever it is you do when you write — the more you do your thing well, the more your reader will like you and want to build that relationship.
Personally interesting or perceptually meaningful information can grab attention, bring clarity, and help it slip right into your prospective client's awareness. You don't have to do a lot of explaining to tell someone his house (or his hair) is on fire — because it's so personal to him. You immediately get attention.
Overcoming trust issues is best done with the assistance of a behavioral therapist or couples counselor, but individuals can take personal steps to communicate their uncertainty, be mindful of their past trauma, and be willing to take the risk to trust again.
Trust is built when our partners have the opportunity to let us down or hurt us — but do not. And in order for them to pass the test and build that trust, we must make ourselves vulnerable to that letdown. Gradually is best, of course, to protect ourselves along the way.
With reluctant readers, stories in these forms may be just what they need to spark an interest in picking up the book (or tackling the next in a series). This can also be a fun way for children who have already read the book to experience the story from a different perspective.
Good readers read texts in different ways, looking at the layout and headings, and reading quickly to get a general feel for the text (skimming), before reading more intensively or to find specific details (scanning).
After reviewing extensive literature on the topic, I believe that trust can be defined in terms of the following components: consistency, compassion, communication, and competency.
Trust issues often come from early life experiences and interactions. These experiences often take place in childhood. Some people do not get enough care and acceptance as children. Others are abused, violated, or mistreated.
The bottom line. It's possible to rebuild a relationship after a breach of trust. Whether it's worth it depends on your relationship needs and whether you feel it's possible to trust your partner again. If you do decide to try repairing things, be prepared for things to take some time.
To improve students' reading comprehension, teachers should introduce the seven cognitive strategies of effective readers: activating, inferring, monitoring-clarifying, questioning, searching-selecting, summarizing, and visualizing-organizing.
Readers like to be touched, moved, by story. They like to imagine themselves in worlds and situations that challenge them, that give them opportunity to do and be something other than what they do or are in their real lives.
The study found that 58 percent of readers were very satisfied when both parties read books, compared to 39 percent when neither party reads. Although attractiveness is subjective, the study also found that 81% of women and 77% of men believed that being a reader was attractive.