Chemistry a-level is extremely hard compared to other subjects, with only 13.6% achieving an A* in 2022 and 24.4% getting an A. Many students struggle with chemistry in school and wonder if they have what it takes to handle the rigours of an A-Level chemistry course.
Students often struggle with A-level chemistry exams as there is greater importance on exam technique. Knowing how to answer questions is just as important as knowing the content. This ability will come as you practice past papers. Overall A-level chemistry can be hard, but it can also be very interesting and engaging.
The main thing is practice and understanding. Try to practice questions and then understand the answer. With exam technique, you need to not make any mistakes where they're avoidable such as definitions or calculations. No mistakes with mechanisms either.
If you find chemistry 'easy' a 30 can be achieved with consistent work and several practice exams, but if you find it 'hard' consistent work is required as well but a good number of practice exams. Obviously it differs from student to student, but a 30 is achievable with a level of hard work.
Complete understanding of the syllabus, outstanding problem-solving skills, excellent exam technique and a focused plan are the key elements of securing the top grade for A level chemistry. Achieving an A* in A Level chemistry is difficult – only around 1 in 10 students achieve this grade each summer.
Chemistry A level is harder than Maths and is much tougher than Biology. I really wouldn't do it unless you have an A at gcse.
Physical Chemistry
If you are weak in math or just dislike it, this may be the hardest class for you. You need P-Chem for a chemistry degree. If you are studying physics, it's a great class to take to reinforce thermodynamics.
Chemistry isn't merely a challenging science major; CollegeVine ranked it the most difficult of all the majors in its rankings of The 10 Easiest and 10 Hardest College Majors.
In 2019, over 54,000 students sat the Chemistry exam, making it the fifth most popular A Level subject. However, with just 7.2% of these receiving an A* grade in 2019, it is one of the most difficult A Level subjects. There are, however, about 25% of students receiving A grades in Chemistry.
To achieve the A*A*, you need to get AA overall and then get at least 90% across all six of the A2 units. If you do not achieve A*A*, it is still possible to gain A*A. To achieve A*A, you need to get an A overall and then get at least 90% across your best three A2 units.
Students must be comfortable with algebra to understand and work chemistry problems. This is one of the reasons why we recommend chemistry at the 10th grade level. However, parents can choose whichever science course they prefer.
It isn't good to receive a C+, but it isn't absolutely terrible.
In fact, many other people would put film studies in the top position of a list of the easiest A levels you can take, too – and, with a pass rate of 99%, there's not much to complain about all around!
Algebra I is the single most failed course in American high schools. Thirty-three percent of students in California, for example, took Algebra I at least twice during their high school careers. And students of color or those experiencing poverty are overrepresented in this group.
Analytical chemistry is comparatively easier than most branches of chemistry. Organic chemistry is a popular but complex area of study. On the other hand, analytical chemistry is easier to learn and offers better salaries.
Is Physics A-Level Harder Than Chemistry? You'll observe the following from the information in the above table: Chemistry has 2.80% fewer students who achieved grade A* than Physics. Chemistry has 2.30% more students who got A than Physics.
Chemistry is famous for being one of the hardest subjects ever, so it's no surprise that a Chemistry degree is fiercely challenging. Just one topic in Chemistry (for example, organic chemistry) is incredibly complex.
As a general rule, most students find biology easier except, they may be required to memorize more information. Chemistry is usually more difficult, especially the labs, because they require a better understanding of mathematics, especially error analysis.
A B+ is fine. There is no need to retake it.
Assuming your other courses were "core" courses (English, history, science, etc.), probably not. If your other courses were art, music, weightlifting, sociology, etc., there could be more of an impact. a B+ is still very good.