Most of the time HPV goes away by itself. Certain people are at higher risk for HPV-related health problems. This includes gay and bisexual men and people with weak immune systems (including those who have HIV/AIDS). Most HPV infections that lead to cancer can be prevented with vaccines.
HPV-related cancers often take years to develop after getting an HPV infection. Cervical cancer usually develops over 10 or more years. There can be a long interval between being infected with HPV, the development of abnormal cells on the cervix and the development of cervical cancer.
High-risk HPV was found. It does not mean you have cancer. It means you may be at higher risk for getting cervical cancer in the future. Your health care provider may order more tests to monitor and/or diagnose your condition.
A positive test result means that you have a type of high-risk HPV that's linked to cervical cancer. It doesn't mean that you have cervical cancer now, but it's a warning sign that cervical cancer could develop in the future.
Higher risk: Your test results show either HPV infection with types 16 and/or 18, high grade cell changes on your cervix, or persistent infection with one of the other high-risk HPV types (not 16/18). It is important that you have a further follow-up because you may be at a high risk of developing cervical cancer.
In most cases (9 out of 10), HPV goes away on its own within two years without health problems. But when HPV does not go away, it can cause health problems like genital warts and cancer.
Around 90% of HPV infections clear within 2 years. For a small number of women and people with a cervix, their immune system will not be able to get rid of HPV. This is called a persistent infection. A persistent HPV infection causes the cells of the cervix to change.
HPV is easily spread from sexual skin-to-skin contact with someone who has it. You get it when your vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, or anus touches someone else's genitals or mouth and throat — usually during sex. HPV can be spread even if no one cums, and even if a penis doesn't go inside the vagina/anus/mouth.
If you got a positive HPV test and your Pap test was abnormal, your doctor will probably follow up with a colposcopy. Try to see a physician who specializes in this procedure. During a colposcopy, your doctor will look more closely at the cervix, vagina or vulva with a special microscope called a colposcope.
Options include freezing (cryosurgery), laser, surgical removal, loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) and cold knife conization.
Low risk HPVs do not cause cancer, but may cause skin warts on or around the genitals and anus. High risk HPVs account for around 12 types of HPVs and may cause cancer. Of the high risk HPV types, types 16 and 18 are responsible for most HPV-caused cancers.
HPV testing can be performed for women with a Pap test (commonly known as a Pap smear), which is a screening test for cervical cancer. HPV testing is only available for women, and it can determine if HPV is present. If present, the test can determine whether the HPV is a low- or a high-risk type.
Psychological stress is an important factor involved in disease manifestations of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and it can participate in HPV-associated carcinogenesis.
Q: How long after exposure does it usually take for something to be detectable? A: Changes consistent with HPV can usually be detected within 3-6 months after exposure to the infection.
The majority of HPV infections are cleared by the immune system within 2 years, defined as an absence of HPV DNA detection on follow-up serial swabs after detection of the initial infection [2].
Even if you already have one strain of HPV , you could still benefit from the vaccine because it can protect you from other strains that you don't yet have. However, none of the vaccines can treat an existing HPV infection. The vaccines protect you only from specific strains of HPV you haven't been exposed to already.
Age 30-65 years
HPV test every 5 years. HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years. Pap test every 3 years.
HPV is a very common STI. Among 15- to 59-year-olds, 2 in 5 (40%) people will have HPV. There are many different types of HPV; most do not cause any health problems. HPV is a different virus than HIV or (HSV) herpes.
HPV does not usually cause any symptoms. Most people who have it do not realise and do not have any problems. But sometimes the virus can cause painless growths or lumps around your vagina, penis or anus (genital warts).
In fact, many women with HPV will never have an abnormal pap smear. That being said, routine screening with your provider is the only way to follow any changes to the cervix that could lead to cervical cancer.
About 10% of women with HPV infection on their cervix will develop long-lasting HPV infections that put them at risk for cervical cancer. Similarly, when high-risk HPV lingers and infects the cells of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus, it can cause cell changes called precancers.
In countries with limited screening, mortality from cervical cancer far exceeds that of HPV-related disease in men. However, in the developed world, the number of HPV-related cancers in men, including penile, oral, and anal cancer, is similar to that of cervical cancer in women [2–5].
Unfortunately, once you have been infected with HPV, there is no treatment that can cure it or eliminate the virus from your system. A hysterectomy removes the cervix, which means that the risk of developing cervical cancer because of persistent HPV infection will essentially be eliminated.
For most women, HPV infections go away on their own. But for some, the infection leads to precancerous growths that can progress to cervical cancer. To better care for women who are HPV positive, researchers have been exploring ways to help tell whether an HPV infection is likely to cause precancer.