How do you respond if you don t know the answer a question?
Try saying something along the lines of, “That's an interesting question, could I take some time to think it over and get back to you?” or “That's a great question, I could give you a partial answer, but I would like to consider it further and get back to you with a full answer.”
How do you respond if you do not know the answer a question?
“That's an interesting question. So that I understand exactly what you're looking for, do you mind unpacking the question a little more?” This is a tried and true “fail-safe” response when you don't quite know how to answer a question.
How do you respond when you don't know what to say?
“Let me give it some thought!” or: “I'll think about it!” and answers along a similar train of thought, depending on the situation. Basically you are reasonably asking for time to come up with a suitable reply rather than being put on the spot with an immediate answer.
How do you say I don't know without saying I don't know?
Here are a few other ways to say it that can help preserve your credibility, and even build it.
“I don't know the answer to that, but I'm anxious to find out.” “Let me tell you what I know, and what I'm still learning.” “That's an important question and I don't want to give you a half answer.
How do you express i dont know?
English Skills: 7 ways of Saying “I don't know”
Dunno. ... I have no idea/I haven't a clue/I haven't the faintest idea. ... How should I know?/ ... Who knows?/ ... Your guess is as good as mine. ... Not as far as I know. ... It beats me.
38 related questions found
How do you say I'm confused without saying it?
synonyms for confused
baffled. befuddled. bewildered. dazed. disorganized. distracted. muddled. perplexed.
What is a smart way to say I don't know?
Here are ten smart ways to say "I don't know." When you should know… "I'm not sure, but I'll find out and let you know." "I'll look into it and get back to you with what I find." “That's a good question and I want to give you an accurate response. Let me get back to you by end-of-day.”
How do you say not confusing?
antonyms for confusing
clear. easy. plain. simple. orderly. reassuring.
How do you say I don't understand professionally?
When You Don't Understand Someone
I'm sorry, I didn't catch what you said. Could you repeat it (more slowly)? I'm sorry, I didn't understand that? Would you mind repeating it? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you clearly. ... I'm sorry, what was that? Could you say that again, please? Could you repeat that, please? I'm sorry?
How do you say no I don't know?
10 different ways to say no
Sadly, I have something else going on. I have another commitment. I wish I were able to. I'm afraid I can't. I don't have the bandwidth for that right now. I'm honored you asked me, but I simply can't. Thanks for thinking of me. ... I'm sorry, I'm not able to fit this in.
What is another word for I don't know?
I have no clue/idea. I haven't/ haven't got a clue. I haven't got the faintest idea. I haven't had time to think that through yet.
What are 3 things you could say instead of I don't know?
25 Alternatives To 'I Don't Know' & 'I Can't'
I need help with … Before I can respond, I need … I'm nervous about being wrong. I can't …, but I can … If I knew how to …, I could answer. (Or, 'If I could …, I could …) I don't know now, but I will soon because … After talking to …, I think … Let me find out.
How do you politely tell someone you don't understand them?
These sentences will help you when you don't understand something even though you have heard it.
Sorry, I'm afraid I don't follow you. Excuse me, could you repeat the question? I'm sorry, I don't understand. ... I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. ... I'm confused. ... I'm sorry, I didn't understand. ... I didn't hear you.
How do you say no I don't know?
10 different ways to say no
Sadly, I have something else going on. I have another commitment. I wish I were able to. I'm afraid I can't. I don't have the bandwidth for that right now. I'm honored you asked me, but I simply can't. Thanks for thinking of me. ... I'm sorry, I'm not able to fit this in.