How do you tell a girl she looks good without being flirty?
Don't compliment parts of her body.
Even if you notice that she looks good that day, don't draw attention to it. Stick to neutral compliments about her personality so she doesn't get the wrong idea. If you really want to point something out, stick to something she's wearing, like her shoes or a necklace.
“You are so beautiful/cute/pretty/lovely” will always work. Or, alternately, call her a goddess or say something like, “You are as pretty as you are smart.” Focus on different outfits, as well. When your girlfriend wears a new outfit, tell her how good she looks in it.
How to tell a girl she looks good without being cringe?
Use different words depending on how close you are
If you're not very close with the person, I would suggest using more “innocent” words like good, cute etc. “You look really good with that new hair!” If you're close, then you can feel more comfortable using words like gorgeous, beautiful, etc.
Say, "You're beautiful," or "You are exquisite." Try picking out one particular quality to compliment her on: say, "You have the most gorgeous eyes," or "Your smile is radiant." Don't be afraid to get creative and tap into your feelings, and make sure that you mean it.
Flirting politely involves using respectful and subtle signals to indicate romantic interest without being aggressive or inappropriate. It can include light physical contact, such as a gentle touch on the arm or shoulder, as well as maintaining eye contact and active listening.
There are a few ways to call a girl pretty without using the word "pretty." You could say she's beautiful, stunning, or gorgeous. If you want to be more specific, you could describe what you like about her appearance.
Engage her in conversation, learn a little about her and who she is, and compliment her on her achievements or lifestyle choices instead. This isn't to say, of course, that you should never compliment a woman on her looks.
“Your smile is so infectious, you're making me smile too! 😊” She'll love that you're happy when she's in a good mood. Your smile will already give away how you're feeling, but it'll sound really sweet when you say it out loud.