And finally, you get 8.09 as your answer when you convert 8 9/100 (or 809/100) to a decimal.
The fraction 8/10 is 0.8 as a decimal because you divide 8 by 10.
Solution: 8/9 as a decimal is 0.89
And there you go! We got 0.89 as the answer when you convert 8/9 to a decimal.
Solution: 8 9/10 as a decimal is 8.9.
Solution: 2 8/9 as a decimal is 2.89
That's it! When you convert 2 8/9 (or 26/9) to a decimal, 2.89 is your answer.
Solution: 7 8/9 as a decimal is 7.89.
Convert 8/9 to Percentage by Changing Denominator
Our percent fraction is 88.888888888889/100, which means that 89 as a percentage is 88.89%.
Solution: 0.87 as a fraction is 87/100.
This means 85/100 can be reduced to 17/20. So 0.85 is equal to 17/20.
Decimal Notation Calculator is a free online tool that displays the place value for the given decimal number.
Solution: 8/10 as a percent is 80%
Solution: 9 8/9 as a decimal is 9.89.
Solution: 8/9 as a percent is 88.889%