To address an envelope to a family, write, “The (Surname) Family” above their address on the front of the envelope. For example, to write a letter to Tim and Janet Smith and their kids, you would write, “The Smith Family.” Similarly, you can use the plural version of their last name, such as “The Smiths”.
Only use an apostrophe when you want to make a name possessive. ("From The Smith's" is always wrong, but "The party is at the Smiths' house" is correct.)
In most cases, you only have to add an s to the end of their entire last name—even if the last letter is y. So the Smith family becomes the Smiths, the Angelo family becomes the Angelos, and the Perry family becomes the Perrys.
Avoid making this common faux pas when you're making your Christmas card! When making your last name plural, you don't need to add an apostrophe! The apostrophe makes the name possessive. The last letter of your last name will determine if you add an “-s” or an “-es”.
When signing Christmas cards or other greeting cards from the entire family, the father's name should appear first, followed by the mother's and then the children's. The children's names should be in order from oldest to youngest.
For your last name, it ends in 's,' so just add the 'es': “Merry Christmas from the Mayses” or “Merry Christmas from the Humphreyses.” (Again, if you don't like how that looks or sounds, just say, “Merry Christmas from the Humphreys Family.”
Given-names: these are the names given to children by their parents (or, rarely, are changed by the children). 2. Family-names (otherwise known as surnames): these are the names passed down from generation to generation (except in Iceland). Example 1: Mary Elizabeth Smith has two given-names and one family-name.
The Smiths' house — The house belonging to the family, whose surname is 'Smith'. There are multiple people in the family, so 'Smith' is plural. Since it's now plural with an 's' at the end, we simply add an apostrophe to show possession.
Unlike singular possessives, which take an apostrophe followed by an S, plural possessives take an apostrophe alone. So if you're going to the home of the Smiths, you're going to the Smiths' house. If you're going to visit the Williamses, that would be at the Williamses' house. Mr.
Second, a name ending in s takes only an apostrophe if the possessive form is not pronounced with an extra s. Hence: Socrates' philosophy. Saint Saens' music.
When addressing an entire family use the family's last name preceded by “The.” For example, “The Smiths.” Use professional titles when appropriate. Always use professional titles when addressing members of the clergy, elected officials, doctors or those who have earned their Ph.
A surname can be Smith, Jones, Johnson, Giacometti — any name that someone gets from their family.
For example, Mary Brown married John Smith and she changed her name to Mary Smith. They had two children, David Smith and Kate Smith. Smith is the family name shared by the parents Mary and John, and their children David and Kate.
The plurals of last names are just like the plurals of most nouns. They typically get formed by adding -s. Except, that is, if the name already ends in s or z. Then the plural is formed by adding -es.
You usually make family names plural by adding an “s” to the end. However, if the name ends in "s," “x,” "z," “ch,” or “sh,” you usually add an “es” instead (but there are exceptions). The plural of “mother-in-law” is “mothers-in-law.”
Don't use an apostrophe to make your last name plural. Apostrophes can be used to show possession—à la the Smithsʼ house or Tim Johnsonʼs pad— but they don't indicate there's more than one person in your family.
The plural of Smith is Smiths. NOT Smith's. And if for some reason the Smiths wanted to use the possessive, they would have to use the plural possessive. To say the Smith's live here makes no sense.
“The Smiths.” The apostrophe (typically) indicates possession. Adding an s without an apostrophe indicates a plural. If you want to say something belongs to the Smith family as a group, you write “the Smiths'.” “I spent the day at the Smiths' swimming pool.”
The plural of Jones is Joneses, ‐es being added as an indicator of the plurality of a word of which the singular form ends in s, as in dresses or messes. The apposition of the much misused apostrophe to the word Jones does not pluralize it.
When one family owns something, we add an apostrophe plus an s. For instance: Our family's dog.
Rule: To form the plural of a last name that ends with an s, add an es. To form the possessive of the plural, add an apostrophe. The Dennises are a nice family.
You use an apostrophe whether it's plural or not. Take the word including the s at the end if it's there, then add the apostrophe. If there wasn't an s at the end, you add one after the apostrophe, but in your case, you'd be right to leave it at families'.
One's 'first name', known as a 'personal name' or 'given name', is chosen at birth as the individual's personal identifier. It always comes before the family name. The 'family name', known as a 'surname' or 'last name', is inherited from one's parents and shared with other members of the individual's immediate family .
Hyphenated last names may also be called a double surname or double-barrelled surname. For example, Sarah Smith marries Adam Jones. A hyphenated last name would be Smith-Jones or Jones-Smith. It's your choice which name comes first.
1. Her family name is Smith and her given names are Mary Elizabeth. 2. "Smith" is a very common family name.