This is normal during the early stages of recovery, as the knee experiences swelling which causes temporary stiffness. This should begin to subside within the first month or so after the operation; if it continues to feel stiff or if the stiffness gets worse, contact your surgeon.
Those with a long-term stiff knee may need about 2 months to feel better. Shelbourne Knee Center discharges patients from the Knee Rehabilitation Program for OA after 2–4 months. But patients need to continue the daily exercises and strengthening at least 3 times a week.
Quad/thigh squeeze: Lie down with your unaffected knee bent. If desired, roll a towel and place it under the affected (operated) knee. Gently and slowly squeeze your thigh muscles, hold for 5 seconds, then release. Repeat about 10 times, which should take you about 2 minutes; rest 1 minute, then repeat the set of 10.
Arthrofibrosis, also known as “stiff knee syndrome,” occurs when excessive scar tissue forms around a joint, limiting range of motion and causing pain and disability. It can be a complication of knee replacement or anterior cruciate ligament surgery, with infections and bleeding as known contributing factors.
Barring any complications, most patients are able to return to most normal activities and walk without the need of assistive devices between three to six weeks after surgery. Overall, it usually takes two to three months to make a complete recovery from a minimally invasive knee replacement.
Don't Overdo It
Although exercise is the key to healing, you could be backpedaling progress by overworking your knee. Signs of over-exercising include swelling of the entire leg and lingering pain that stretches into the evening or into the next day.
One of the most highly recommended exercises is walking. Walking throughout your day will help you regain independence. Once you leave the hospital, try walking around your home using crutches, a walker or a cane as prescribed by your doctor or therapist. Use a heel-toe pattern to keep you from walking with a limp.
Because a stiff knee can be due to serious diseases, failure to seek treatment can result in complications and permanent damage.
While nothing can reverse these physical changes, you can reduce pain by building up the muscles around the knee as well as in the pelvis and core. Strong muscles act like scaffolding, taking some of the pressure off the joints. Stretching to increase flexibility can help the joint function properly.
Your orthopaedic surgeon and physical therapist may recommend that you exercise for 20 to 30 minutes daily, or even 2 to 3 times daily; and walk for 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times daily during your early recovery.
Exercise #1: Stationary bike and elliptical machine
These cardiovascular exercises are especially beneficial because they help strengthen the quadriceps muscles, says Geller. This is particularly important after a knee replacement because the quads are essential to movement and stability in the knee.
Nerve pain – The surgical incision that is made through the skin and underlying layers to get into the knee joint also cuts through small nerves that pass through these tissues. Commonly this leaves the outer aspect of the knee feeling a bit numb or tingly after surgery, or a feeling of a “tight band” around the knee.
Massaging the knee can be very beneficial if you are experiencing stiffness, pain, or swelling in your knees. Whatever the cause of your knee injury may be, massaging the knee can provide relaxation and take pressure off any nerves that may be causing you pain.
Walk when your knees feel the best: While walking may help arthritis pain in the long term, it is important to try and walk when your joints are feeling their best. For example, if you wake up with stiff, painful knees, it may be best to wait until later in the day to begin your walk.
Exercising a knee that's injured or arthritic may seem counterintuitive, but in fact, exercise is better for your knee than keeping it still. Not moving your knee can cause it to stiffen, and this may worsen the pain and make it harder to go about your daily activities.
Knee tightness or stiffness in one or both knees is a common issue. Tightness in your knee can be caused by injuries, mechanical problems, or physical stressors on your knees like extra weight. Lack of flexibility or strength can also be contributing factors.
Sit with both feet flat on floor. Place one hand palm down on each upper thigh. Glide down over knee caps across to outside thigh and up to starting position using light to medium pressure. Repeat five times.
Many people will experience joint stiffness as they age. Most often this stiffness will wear off after a person gets up and moves around. Other people, however, may experience joint stiffness as a result of an underlying condition.
Can you sleep on your side after knee replacement surgery? You can, but it's wise not to do so until at least a few weeks after surgery, when you can start bending your knee. Make sure you lay on your non-operative side. Sleeping this way makes sure no pressure falls on the knee you had surgery on.
Any activities involving hard running, jumping, or twisting place excessive stress on weight-bearing joints. So, avoid jogging, basketball, skiing, and any other similar activity until your knee surgeon in Boynton Beach clears you for activity. Instead, cycle, walk, and swim as these provide great low-impact exercise.
If you are avoiding physical therapy after knee replacement surgery, then it will lead to the constant pain. The joint will not be able to maintain its place, and pain will get triggered. A moment comes when it will become unbearable, and do you need to approach the doctor again.
If the nerve is purely stretched, experts would suggest that the nerve should recover in 6-12 weeks. My advice, is to watch the site of numbness for signs of improvement for the first 3 months.