Our plans allow you to both stream content and store downloaded titles on 1, 2, or 4 devices at the same time.
Upgrade Your Netflix account plan
Meaning that you can only download content on up to 4 devices on the Premium plan. If you have more than 4 devices, you'll have to choose where you want to download most of your content. Otherwise, the Netflix Downloads on Too Many Devices error will soon show up.
With a Premium plan, you can download Netflix shows and movies on up to 6 devices at once. And if you have the Basic with ads plan, you can't download at all.
Too many people are using your account right now. Your Netflix account is in use on another device. Your Netflix account is in use on too many devices. It means the maximum number of devices allowed to watch at the same time using your Netflix account has been reached.
If you can't find the option to download anywhere in Netflix
Ad-supported Netflix plans don't include downloads. To download, members on an ad-supported plan can change to an ad-free plan. anywhere in Netflix on your device: Check that your device is on the list of devices that can download from Netflix.
It indicates that you have exceeded the maximum number of devices that can store downloaded titles at the same time. You can use 1, 2, or 4 devices to download titles, depending on your plan. To download to a new device, you can either remove downloaded titles from an existing device or upgrade your streaming plan.
Downloads for You automatically downloads TV shows and movies we think you might like to your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone or tablet. To turn Downloads for You on or off: Open the Netflix app and tap Downloads . At the top of the screen, tap Smart Downloads.
The answer is it's only because all the titles on Netflix are proprietary and encoded in Netflix native format, which is non-transferable between devices directly, which means each device needs to download content on its own!
Pay for Premium and there can be four devices of any kind watching Netflix at the exact same time. However, those users and devices cannot be permanently in another household.
A Netflix account is for use by one household. Everyone living in that household can use Netflix wherever they are — at home, on the go, on holiday — and take advantage of new features like Transfer Profile and Manage Access and Devices.
The streaming company is limiting password sharing to people living in the same household. Account holders can add more people outside of the household for an extra $7.99 a month, or they can use the "transfer profile" feature to prompt extra users to make their own accounts that they pay for, Netflix said Tuesday.
The amount of time depends on individual licenses, and can vary by title. Titles that are expiring from your device in less than 7 days will display the amount of time you have left on the Downloads page of the Netflix app. Some titles will expire 48 hours after you first press play.
What are the new rules? Netflix will only let people share an account if they live in the same household — or pay an extra fee. It'll ask people using someone else's account to get a new account of their own or stay on as a paid "extra member".
The price for Netflix accounts in Australia ranges from $6.99 per month for the Standard with Ads option to $22.99 per month for the Premium plan.
Netflix says an account can only be used by members of one physical household, sharing one internet connection. Additional members logging from elsewhere can be added for $7.99 a month. The restrictions appear to only apply to televisions and not mobile devices for now.
Downloaded TV shows and movies are available on the device that was used to download them and can be viewed from any profile in your account. Downloads will expire after a period of time, and some have a limit on how many times they can be downloaded per year.
Downloads and bookmarks are saved
You and anyone who uses your device can see and open the files. All bookmarks you create are saved to Chrome.
Due to licensing, this can only be downloaded one more time before (DATE). It indicates that you are approaching the maximum number of downloads for a specific TV show or movie. Some TV shows and movies can only be downloaded a limited number of times per year per account.
The account owner will need to purchase an extra member slot, then invite an extra member to use the extra member slot. The extra member must be activated in the same country where the account owner created their account. Extra members cannot be added to Netflix-included packages or third-party billed accounts.
Click on your profile icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Select "Account." Scroll down to "Security and Privacy" > "Manage access and devices." Here, you will find a list of the most recent devices that have been used to access your account.
With the new policy, only users who are part of a “Netflix Household”—those who are using the same internet connection—will be able to access the account unless they are paid additional users added onto a Standard or Premium plan.
If a movie or show leaves the Netflix service, all downloads for it immediately expire. You can delete individual movies and shows by unselecting the check box next to each title. You can remove all of your downloads by going into your App Settings and clicking "Delete all downloads" under Downloads.
How big are the movies and TV shows on Netflix? By default, all content you download from Netflix is in "standard quality." At that setting most hour-long TV shows rang in at around 250MB or so. Movies were a bit bigger, ranging from around 500MB to 1GB depending on the length and content.
Download the Netflix app
To download content for offline viewing later, however, you need to go through the official Netflix app. Available for Windows computers running on version 8 or higher, the app is offered free through the Windows app store to use with a paid Netflix service subscription.
“The Netflix service and any content accessed through the service are for your personal and non-commercial use only and may not be shared with individuals beyond your household unless otherwise allowed by your subscription plan.”