The Cure was introduced during The Vampire Diaries season 4, becoming a key story point. Four vampires used the Cure to regain their humanity. Despite vampirism initially believed to be permanent, The Vampire Diaries saw four different vampires using the Cure throughout the show, each with various outcomes.
After numerous fights, deceptions, and alternate dimensions, The Vampire Diaries ended with only two vampires taking the cure and living to tell the tale: Elena and Damon. Although they could finally have a family and live out their mortal lives together, taking the cure did not come without consequences.
In I'd Leave My Happy Home For You, Elena takes the cure and becomes human again. She regains her memories of her previous relationship with Damon back as one of the things that the cure affects is stripping away the compulsion she had Alaric do at her request in Yellow Ledbetter.
Elena initially rejects the cure, but Damon decides to take it with her so that they can have a human life together, including children. Damon always wanted Elena to have the human life she always dreamed of. Elena takes the cure, which breaks the compulsion, and her memories of Damon return to her.
Katherine dunks Damon's head into the fish tank and then tries to escape with the cure. Rebekah stops her, takes the cure and Katherine escapes. Stefan runs in, but it's too late, Rebekah takes the cure.
As Stefan said without the cure in his system he would age rapidly, Elena on the other hand only a few years to age age she had only spent a few as a vampire she would become the same age as Matt for example so therefore didn't need it in her blood to age 1 year at a time, Damon however did, hence how they lived a ...
Rebekah Mikaelson - 16+ Kills.
In the books, the cure is a rose, while in the TV series, it's a liquid potion in a small vial. Damon takes the cure (sniffs the rose meant for Stefan) by accident, but is turned back into a vampire sometime after.
The actress stated that it has been a challenge distinguishing the two, and enjoys playing them both. In the television series's fourth season, Elena dies and became a vampire, then deals with the struggles that come with her change. Later, she took the cure and became human again towards the end of the sixth season.
Rebekah Sinclair (née Mikaelson) was one of the main characters in the first season and after her departure, she became a special guest for the rest of the series and Eternal Darkness. She was an Original Vampire before becoming human again in the season one finale.
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Indeed, Stefanie Salvatore — as referenced during a Season 1 episode of The CW's Legacies — is the daughter of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore, named in loving memory of the late, great Stefan.
In the series finale of The Originals, Klaus told Rebekah that the Cure was in Mystic Falls and that Caroline would give it to her.
The title 'the Beast' refers to the Upgraded Original Vampire that was prophesized by Alexis. This turned out to be Marcel Gerard.
Methodology. Immortals can compel the minds of any species with the exception of supernatural hunters and passengers. Original vampires can compel both humans and non-Original vampires, but not their fellow Original vampires (as Rebekah pointed out to Kol).
Damon became an Augustine vampire in the episode Total Eclipse of the Heart. Damon was the only known Augustine Vampire in existence until Elena became one in Gone Girl. They were both cured of the virus in While You Were Sleeping.
The Vampire Diaries was a popular series that aired on the CW. It made changes from the books, such as Bonnie and Damon not dating. Bonnie instead ends up in a romantic relationship with Enzo toward the end of the show.
But technically, though Klaus never activated his witch gene, his witch gene still works, as this is what Hope inherited, allowing her to practice magic. So to sum it up, if Hope is technically a tribrid, so is Klaus but the reason he is able to cure werewolf bite is because is a hybrid plus original vampire.
Damon was a 178-year-old vampire and distant descendant of Silas. Since his younger brother, Stefan Salvatore, injected him with the Cure, he is now human.
And yes, the show later confirmed that Damon and Elena have multiple children - Jenna, Sarah Lillian and a son, Grayson.
Unfortunately for Katherine, she learned shortly afterward that having the cure removed from her bloodstream had caused her body to start rapidly aging in order to compensate for the 500+ years she had been "alive" as an immortal vampire.
As to the reasoning behind the change in her appearance, fans suggest that Nina wanted to be seen as a more mature star -- so pursued some facial modifications.
Klaus Mikaelson
The nastiest of the Mikaelson bunch, so much so that he warrants his own entry on this list. Klaus (Joseph Morgan), like his family, is an Original vampire, but unlike the others he also has werewolf blood, a unique Original Hybrid.
Niklaus Mikaelson is also commonly known as Klaus. He is an Original Vampire and an Original Hybrid (Vampire + Werewolf). Klaus is known as one of the most dreaded and merciless Villain of the series.
He mentioned in season 1 of the originals that his kill count is in hundreds of thousands I think a minimum of 352,000.