You'll need a browser extension to make it work on your desktop or MacOS device. But don't worry. The provider supports a wide variety of browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge. Price: when you're ready to upgrade, Total Adblock will cost you $2.42/month.
Total Adblock is available on iOS and Android, as well as Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, and Firefox browsers. Pricing. You can try Total Adblock for 7 days free. But if you want an unlimited ad blocker, Total Adblock costs $2.42/month (with a 14-day money-back guarantee).
Total Adblock paid plan
We recommend the paid version for a few reasons: Total Adblock's free version excludes the top 15,000 websites as listed on, so your ad-blocking is limited. The paid version blocks unlimited ads from everywhere.
If you installed AdBlock (or an extension with a similar name to AdBlock) from anywhere else, it may contain adware or malware that can infect your computer. AdBlock is open source software, which means that anyone can take our code and use it for their own, sometimes nefarious, purposes.
Ad Block One
Best of all, AdBlock One is completely free. Block all online ads. Enjoy a 100% distraction-free surfing experience. Protect your privacy and personal information by blocking malicious ads and invasive tracking cookies.
Total Adblock
We've found Total Adblock goes a step further than your typical adblocker. The company's website states that it blocks ads on YouTube (which it does). But in testing, we also found it blocks ads on other video streaming sites that use free-with-ad models, as well, such as Crunchyroll and Tubi.
The Total Adblock is third-party extension, if you get charged you need to contact the Total Adblock to cancel and request your refund. You can see how to cancel and request your refund in the item 8(Cancellation, Termination and Refunds) of this link.
The old timeline started in January 2023, when beta versions of Chrome would start running "experiments" that disable Manifest V2. This would move to the stable version in June, with the Chrome Web Store banning Manifest V2 extensions in January 2024.
It is true that today, the AdBlock extension is safe. We know that it will not steal your data, even though—as the other answers point out—it has the technical ability to do so. However, Chrome extensions are silently and automatically updated.
The company earns money with charging websites for access to their whitelisting program called Acceptable Ads.
We believe that people who love AdBlock will pay a fair price for it. That's why we make AdBlock available as “honorware": Pay what you can, when you can. If you choose to contribute to AdBlock, you can do that here:
AdBlock is supported by happy users. We encourage payment because we like to feed our families, but the vast majority of people use AdBlock for free. Just close that page by clicking the "x" on the tab if you prefer not to pay.
I want to cancel my subscription (recurring payment)
If you used PayPal, you can cancel the subscription in your PayPal account. For all other payment methods send a request to [email protected].
Yes, Chrome extensions with such permissions could potentially read your passwords, credit cards or other sensitive data you fill on websites you visit. This is why it is important to be careful when installing new extensions.
Check to make sure you didn't tell AdBlock not to run on YouTube or allowlist the channel you're watching. Find out more about how you can support your favorite content creators with AdBlock. If you're having trouble with ads after trying the troubleshooting steps above, you might want to try reinstalling AdBlock.
Ad blockers can be an effective solution for annoying advertisements on websites, but they may interfere with some websites. Some sites require users to accept their terms of service, which ad blockers can violate. This can cause problems for companies that rely on traffic.
Total Adblock is a secure ad blocker for Android designed to remove pop-ups, banners, video ads, third-party trackers, and is excellent at muting all notifications in your browsing apps.
In a nutshell, Skeptical Sally, no — a Chrome ad blocker is not necessary to browse the web. But if you're interested in blocking more annoying pop-ups and ads, blocking YouTube ads, and taking control over your browsing experience, an ad blocker is an invaluable tool! Interested in giving AdBlock a try?
The owners of some websites which use third-party hosted online advertising to fund the hosting of their websites have argued that the use of ad-blocking software such as Adblock Plus risks cutting off their revenue stream.
In Short. YouTube is reportedly now cracking down on users who turn on ad blocker on the platform. The platform wants users to buy Premium if they don't want ads on videos. YouTube says it will also temporarily block playback for users in extreme cases.
If AdBlock is constantly being uninstalled or disabled every time you open Chrome, it could mean your computer is infected with malware. Malware often looks for and uninstalls extensions that can keep them from doing their nefarious work.
The most definitive way is to look for AdBlock in the list of extensions installed in your browser: In Chrome or Edge, type about:extensions in the address bar.
Visit in your Chrome browser and click Get AdBlock Now or get it from the Chrome Web Store. Click Add to Chrome, and then click OK to accept the permissions AdBlock requests.
Overall, Adblock and Adblock Plus are similar in a lot of ways. They both use the same ad filter which has been developed by the team behind Adblock Plus, so there isn't one option that will work better at blocking adverts. If Adblock blocks or allows an advert, Adblock Plus will do the same.