An Australian Shepherd puppy may cost around $2000-3000.
They are about 18 to 23 inches in height, and weigh from about 40 to 60 pounds (18 to 27 kilograms). Males generally are taller and heavier than females. Aussies live about 10 to 12 years. Aussies have a lush, medium-length coat that is straight or slightly wavy.
Australian Shepherds are very good with children and tend to get along well with other pets. They have a very easy-going temperament, making them great family pets as well as herding animals.
Aussies are best suited for families with an active lifestyle and a large fenced yard. They need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom. They can weigh between 35 and 70 pounds and have an average life span of 12-13 years.
Australian Shepherd History
Their Pyrenean Shepherds crossbred with other working dogs, including Collies and Border Collies, creating the modern version of the Australian Shepherd.
Australian shepherd colors and patterns can vary greatly, but the United States Australian Shepherd Association recognizes these four major categories: black, red, red merle, and blue merle (merle being the genetic pattern that occurs in a dog's coat, often appearing as speckled patches of color).
While an Aussie may be left home alone for four to six hours at a time, crate training may be necessary for the dog's safety.
Any owner of an Australian Shepherd knows how high maintenance they can be, but what happens when you need to go out? As a general rule, dogs shouldn't be left by themselves for more than four hours at a time.
At 2-3 years of age, Mini Aussies are considered mentally developed and will be better at regulating their energy levels. In other words, they will start to calm down! That said, Aussies are naturally active dogs and will remain so into old age.
The Aussie's desire to cuddle
Dogs in general are known for being happy, cuddly, sweet, and soothing for a human to pet. Some breeds are, by nature, more affectionate than others. While the Aussie will typically reserve cuddling for one person or a group of trusted people, sometimes he won't want to cuddle at all.
Australian Shepherd
Despite their high energy, Aussies are usually quiet. They may bark to alert their owners of a stranger or an unfamiliar situation but other than that, you won't hear much from them.
With an Aussie's boundless energy, channeling it into something constructive can do wonders for your dog. These dogs bond strongly with their families. Their loyalty with their intelligence and high energy makes them very easy to train.
Are Australian shepherds aggressive? No. These dogs are not naturally aggressive and make excellent family pets in many homes — they're active, loyal, and loving dogs. So if you're looking for a new canine best friend, an Australian shepherd could be one of the best dogs for you and your family.
1. Border collie. According to The Intelligence of Dogs, which ranks 131 dog breeds in terms of their relative intelligence, the border collie is the smartest dog breed known to man. Need proof?
Your Australian Shepherd will need a minimum of two hours exercise every day, but the more you can give them the better. This should be split into two fairly long walks, with plenty of time to stop and have a sniff, along with the chance to run around off-lead in a secure area.
Dogs that have double or water-repellant coats, like Australian Shepherds, Siberian Huskies, Akitas, Labrador Retrievers, and Newfoundlands, may only need baths every few months. Bathing them more often than necessary can cause dry skin.
Australian Shepherds are known for their fierce loyalty with one person, that doesn't mean every Shepherd will act like that. Some Shepherds might not build a particularly strong bond with any one family member. Others might like one of you more than another, but they don't sit on you to show it.
Australian Shepherds by their very nature are vocal dogs. As herders, they have to be, as their barks and stern noises could keep other animals in check.
No, there's generally no need to give your Australian Shepherd a haircut. The only exception is trimming the hair around the feet, legs, and ears, which can get long. You will also have to cut out matts if your dog's hair gets tangled. In today's article, we'll discuss the coat of the Australian Shepherd in-depth.
Aussies can be very clingy. They crave human companionship and love being included in pretty much everything you do, including being involved in all family activity. Since they require an active lifestyle, they will want to join in everything and anything that is going on around them.
Australian Shepherds will act very protectively around their owners and immediate family. Outsiders may make the Aussie cautious and guarded and sometimes even aggressive depending on whether you've socialized your dog.
For the most part, these dogs may love water if they are introduced to it at a young age. You need to get them in and around water at a young age, or they may be a bit unsure when they are older. If your puppy is properly introduced to the water, many of them do end up liking to swim.
Dogs evolved from wolves. German shepherds, Australian shepherds, French poodles, even Mexican chihuahuas all trace their lineage to Canis lupus.