Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' rights and interests in land are formally recognised over around 50 per cent of Australia's land mass. Connection to land is of central importance to First Nations Australians.
The Aboriginal Lands Trust (ALT) of Western Australia was established by the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972. This body holds about 24,000,000 hectares (59,000,000 acres), or 10% of the State's land.
In Australia, 812,000 people identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander in the 2021 Census of Population and Housing. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represented 3.2% of the population. This was up from 2.8% in 2016, and 2.5% in 2011.
The government is also providing $37.5 million to support native title holders to gain greater economic benefit from their land, as well as $21.9 million for leadership initiatives. The government is estimated to provide $16.2 million for Indigenous health spending to the states and territories in 2022-23.
Amounts you don't include in your tax return
There are some amounts don't need to be include as income in your tax return. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Indigenous holding entities don't need to pay income tax or capital gains tax on native title payments or benefits.
What about student fees? Eligible Aboriginal students do not pay a fee for any Smart and Skilled qualification they undertake, regardless of the number of qualifications in which they enrol, or the level of the qualification.
The New South Wales Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme provides ex-gratia payments of $75,000 to living Stolen Generations survivors who were removed from their families and committed to the care of the New South Wales Aborigines Protection or Welfare Boards.
The NLC manages the receipt and disbursement of royalty monies to Aboriginal people. The NLC maintains a royalty trust account that receives monies on behalf of individuals and associations of Aboriginal people and disperses them in accordance with section 35(2), (3) & (4) of the Land Rights Act.
The National Indigenous Australians Agency funds projects aimed at helping Indigenous Australians. Funding is allocated through: the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS), National Partnership Agreements, Special Accounts and Special Appropriations.
The islands were settled by different seafaring Melanesian cultures such as the Torres Strait Islanders over 2500 years ago, and cultural interactions continued via this route with the Aboriginal people of northeast Australia.
There is no one Aboriginal word that all Aborigines use for Australia; however, today they call Australia, ""Australia"" because that is what it is called today. There are more than 250 aboriginal tribes in Australia. Most of them didn't have a word for ""Australia""; they just named places around them.
See Unemployment and parenting income support payments for more information. As at 25 December 2020, slightly more than half (53%) of Indigenous Australians aged 16 and over were receiving some form of income support payment – a total of around 299,600 recipients (ABS 2019a; DSS 2021).
China topped the leasehold table with 8.4 million ha, a very small increase on 2019. China has also pulled ahead when aggregating total freehold and leasehold ownership interests, remaining on the same 2.4 percent of total foreign-held land that it had in 2019.
The United States and United Kingdom are the biggest investors in Australia, followed by Belgium, Japan and Singapore. China is our tenth largest foreign investor, with 1.9 per cent of the total.
The mining magnate Gina Rinehart is Australia's biggest landholder, controlling more than 9.2m hectares, or 1.2% of the entire landmass of the country, according to data compiled by Guardian Australia.
Aboriginal communities in NSW can claim land to compensate them for historic dispossession of land and to support their social and economic development. The Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (ALRA) was introduced to compensate Aboriginal people in NSW for dispossession of their land.
The three criteria are: being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent identifying as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person being accepted as such by the community in which you live, or formerly lived.
The ABA receives and distributes monies generated from mining on Aboriginal land in the NT. Payments into the ABA are based on royalty equivalents that are determined by the estimated value of the statutory royalty payments.
From 1 July 2023, Age Pension age will be 67 years, if you were born on or after 1 January 1957.
One Nation NSW has proposed to abolish self-identification and introduce a “new system” relying on DNA ancestry testing with a result requiring a finding of at least 25 per cent "Indigenous" before First Nations identification is accepted.
Many Aboriginal people who worked for white people did not receive their wages directly. Their bosses only gave them 'pocket money' while from 1897 to the late 1970s their wages were 'administered' for them by government or police authorities. In Western Australia wages were under "total government control" until 1968.
Find out what the average Aboriginal Torres Islander salary is. How much does a Aboriginal torres islander make in Australia? The average aboriginal torres islander salary in Australia is $88,754 per year or $45.51 per hour.
But Aboriginal people are subject to the same social security laws and entitled to no more (and no less) government sponsorship than any other Australian. There has never been a government program that distributed free houses or cars, and Aboriginal students have to pay for university like everyone else.
High unemployment and lasting impacts from colonialism have caused low income in Aboriginal homes. Today, people often find that Aboriginal communities in non-rural areas live off welfare in crowded housing.