It is an offence for a person under 18 to buy alcohol or drink alcohol in a pub. If you are under 18 you can have alcohol confiscated by the police if it is being drunk in a public place.
In England, Scotland and Wales, it's not illegal for someone between the ages of five and 17 to drink alcohol at home or on other private premises.
The legal drinking age in Scotland is 18, but did you know children under 18 can have a drink with a meal. Parents can allow their teenage children a beer or a glass of wine with a meal if eating in a restaurant.
Buying or drinking alcohol
Anyone under 18 is not allowed to buy alcohol or drink alcohol in a place other than a private house. It is an offence for a person to: buy alcohol for someone under 18 years of age. send a young person under 18 years of age to get alcohol from a licensed premises.
In fact, 64 percent of the world's nations have legal drinking ages of 18. The youngest legal drinking age in the world is 15, with both Mali and the Central African Republic allowing folks to drink at that time.
Laws that apply anywhere in Australia
Legal drinking age – you must be 18 or older to buy alcohol or to drink alcohol in a licensed venue. Selling alcohol – it's illegal to sell alcohol to anyone under 18 or to someone who is already drunk.
In Japan, the legal adult age is 20. Japanese law prohibits individuals under the age of 20 to drink alcohol or smoke. Regardless of age, you must not force anyone to drink or smoke as it may cause serious health and social consequences.
Belgium, Denmark and Germany set 16 years as the minimum age for purchasing beverages containing less than 1.2 % of distilled alcohol and 18 years for buying spirits (more than 1.2 % of distilled alcohol).
The minimum age for buying and consuming alcohol in Spain is 18, which is quite young compared to the rest of the world. This includes buying alcohol in bars and clubs, restaurants and shops.
AFAIK the 2005 licensing act states that even persons aged 14 and 15 are allowed on licensed premises on their own but are not allowed to buy alcohol but are allowed to by non alcoholic drinks. This is however solely at the discretion of the management and not many would allow it.
Russia — Though age to purchase is 18.
However, if you're 16 or 17 and accompanied by an adult, you can drink (but not buy) beer, wine or cider with a meal. If you're 16 or under, you may be able to go to a pub (or premises primarily used to sell alcohol) if you're accompanied by an adult.
Scotland. In Scotland, the definition of a child varies in different legal contexts, but statutory guidance which supports the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, includes all children and young people up to the age of 18.
It is an offence to give a child under 5 alcohol, even in their own home. A child of 5 or over however, can be given alcohol provided they don't drink it in a bar or other licensed premises. It is an offence for a person under 18 to buy alcohol or drink alcohol in a pub.
You have to be 16 years or over to consent to sexual intercourse or oral sex. Children under 13 years cannot consent to any form of sexual activity. We know that sometimes people aged between 13 years and 15 years may have sexual relationships that they both consent to- though the law says this is an offence.
The official legal drinking age in Greece is 18 in public and you also have to be 18 to buy alcohol. In reality, these laws are not strictly enforced and in many tourist zones, they're not enforced at all.
Alcohol is sold in supermarkets. The age limit for the purchase of wine and beer is 16 years, and 18 years for high-proof alcohol. There is no nationwide minimum age for the purchase of tobacco in Switzerland. Depending on the canton, the minimum age is either 16 or 18.
You must be 18 or over to buy alcohol in Ireland. It is an offence to: Serve alcohol to a person who is under 18.
Unlike other European countries, there is no official legal drinking age in Greece if you are drinking in private (like a house). However, if you want to purchase alcohol and drink in public, you must be at least 18 years of age.
It is illegal to sell alcohol to people under 18. This is laid down in the Licensing and Catering Act.
Canada's Legal Drinking Age
For most of the country, a person can buy and drink alcohol at the age of 18 years old. In provinces like Alberta, Quebec, and Manitoba, underage drinking is allowed for 17-year-old teens as long as it is done under the supervision of parents in their residence.
Alcohol. The legal drinking age in Korea is 19 years of age. Although it is legal to drink alcohol in public, disorderly conduct under the influence of alcohol can result in hefty fines and a visit to the police station.
The legal drinking age varies from country to country. In America, it is 21, in Canada, it is 19, and in certain European nations, it is 16. Unexpectedly, Vietnam has no set legal drinking age. As long as you can acquire the booze, you may consume it.