How to make Allah forgive sin?

  1. Realise the grave consequences of sinning. ...
  2. Don't belittle a sin. ...
  3. Stop sinning & resolve to never return to the sin. ...
  4. Regret your sins and cry over them. ...
  5. Perform wudhū and pray two rak'ahs. ...
  6. Follow the bad with good & atone for your sins. ...
  7. Seek forgiveness during the best time. ...
  8. Seek forgiveness in the best manner.

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What dua to say for Allah to forgive your sins?

”O Allah, forgive me all my sins, great and small, the first and the last, those that are apparent and those that are hidden” اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي ذَنْبِي كُلَّهُ، دِقَّهُ وَجِلَّهُ، وَأَوَّلَهُ وَآخِرَهُ وَعَلَانِيَتَهُ وَسِرَّهُ Allaahum-maghfir lee thanbee kullahu, diqqahu wa jillahu, wa 'awwalahu wa 'aakhirahu wa ...

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How do you know if Allah has forgiven you?

Coming back to the above question, regarding the signs that Allah SWT has accepted a person's repentance is when his attitude and character change, his soul became closer and his love for the mosque increases, his manners and language improve, he feels happy when worshipping and he continues to seek for forgiveness ...

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What is the dua for Allah's help?

“O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for a blink of an eye. Correct all of my affairs for me. There is none worthy of worship except You.”

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How many times should I say Astaghfirullah?

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to do istighfar 70 -100 times. So we human beings who have done so many sins and displeased ALLAH (SWT ) with our bad deeds must ask forgiveness from ALLAH and should say Istighfar at least 100 times every day.

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The Endless Forgiveness of Allah - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

16 related questions found

Is saying Astaghfirullah 100 times good?

Do Tasbih of Astaghfaar at least 100 times daily as it is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). In short time, you can say “Astaghfiru Allaah” more than 100 times!

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How do I ask Allah for forgiveness?

I seek refuge with You from the evil I have done. I acknowledge all the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So, forgive me, for indeed, no one forgives sins but You. Allahumma anta rabbi la ilaha illa anta, khalaqtani wa ana abduka, wa ana ala ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu.

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What is most powerful dua?

Afiyah - SHORTEST BUT POWERFUL DUA. Basically, Afiyah means: "O Allah, protect me from any pain & suffering." Afiyah - SHORTEST BUT POWERFUL DUA. Basically, Afiyah means: "O Allah, protect me from any pain & suffering."

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How do you beg Allah for something?

Etiquettes of your dua:
  1. Start off with salawat on the prophet saw (Allahummasalli…) ...
  2. Use Allah's beautiful names to call Him. ...
  3. Praise Allah as He deserves.
  4. Face the qiblah. ...
  5. Raise your hands into the position of making dua.
  6. Have faith that your dua will be accepted and Allah will respond one way or another.

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Which dua is always accepted?

It was narrated in a sahih report that our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There are three prayers that are not rejected: the prayer of a father for his child, the prayer of the fasting person and the prayer of the traveller.” Narrated by al-Bayhaqi; see Sahih al-Jami', 2032; al-Sahihah, 1797.

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Will Allah forgive every sin?

The Quran declares: Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

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What sins are not forgiven in Islam?

The Quran states that: He who associates with God has surely forged a great sin (ithm). This association with shirk is noteworthy for shirk is considered unforgivable if not repented of.

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How do I come back to Allah after sinning?

  1. Realise the grave consequences of sinning. ...
  2. Don't belittle a sin. ...
  3. Stop sinning & resolve to never return to the sin. ...
  4. Regret your sins and cry over them. ...
  5. Perform wudhū and pray two rak'ahs. ...
  6. Follow the bad with good & atone for your sins. ...
  7. Seek forgiveness during the best time. ...
  8. Seek forgiveness in the best manner.

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How do you repent from sin?

Principles of Repentance
  1. We Must Recognize Our Sins. To repent, we must admit to ourselves that we have sinned. ...
  2. We Must Feel Sorrow for Our Sins. ...
  3. We Must Forsake Our Sins. ...
  4. We Must Confess Our Sins. ...
  5. We Must Make Restitution. ...
  6. We Must Forgive Others. ...
  7. We Must Keep the Commandments of God.

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How can I thank Allah?

There are three components of gratitude: (1) Thanking Allah by humbling our hearts to Him. (2) Thanking Allah by acknowledging His favours and praising Him with our tongues. (3) Thanking Allah by using all of our body parts to obey Him.

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What is zina before marriage?

In the Hadiths, the definitions of zina have been described as all the forms of sexual intercourse, penetrative or non-penetrative, outside of marriage. Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle as saying: “Allah has decreed for every son of Adam his share of zina, which he will inevitably commit.

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How do you make Allah accept your dua instantly?

Start your dua by:
  1. Affirming your belief in Allah SWT - Shahadah.
  2. Asking Him for forgiveness - Istighfar.
  3. Praising Allah SWT - Al-Hamd.
  4. Sending blessings on the Prophet PBUH - Salawaat.

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How do you know if dua is accepted?

Conditions for the dua to be accepted

There are two conditions that are crucial to remember, whenever you are making dua. You must ask the dua with full conviction that Allah is listening to you and will respond at the right time. Do not rush Allah.

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What means mashallah?

The literal meaning of Mashallah is "God has willed it", in the sense of "what God has willed has happened"; it is used to say something good has happened, used in the past tense. Inshallah, literally "if God has willed", is used similarly but to refer to a future event.

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Which surah protects you from evil?

The Verse of Evil Eye (Arabic: آیه وَإِن يَكَادُ) is verse 51 and 52 of Al-Qalam (Q68:51-52) in the Quran. It is usually recited for protection from the evil eye.

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What is Allah's favorite dua?

Abu Dharr reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “The words which Allah loves most are: 'Glory be to Allah who has no partner. His is the Kingdom and praise is His and He has power over all things. There is no power nor strength except by Allah. Glory be to Allah and by His praise.”

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Which dua to recite 100 times?

“Whoever says Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdihi (Allaah be glorified and praise be to Him) one hundred times in a day will have his sins wiped, even if they are as small as the foam of the sea.” Al-Bukhaari and Muslim tell the storey.

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How many times will God forgive me?

If forgiving someone more than once or twice seems unreasonable, just remember how often God forgives you. He doesn't put a limit on how many times you turn to him with your sincere heart, humbly seeking forgiveness. He's just glad you've returned. May we do our best to model our forgiveness after God's example.

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What is considered a zina?

Zina is defined as sexual intercourse between a man and women outside a valid marriage (nikah), the semblance (shubha) of marriage, or lawful ownership of a slave woman (milk yamin).

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