How to make your girlfriend happy after you hurt her over text?
Say sorry and show your love for her
And try to sound apologetic instead of just uttering out the words. You also need to show your love for her. Send her a cheesy romantic text and ask her to forgive you. (ALSO READ LSO READ These 6 tips will tell you how to maintain a good relationship with your husband!).
You Messed It Up? How To Say Sorry To A Woman Over Text!
23 related questions found
Should I text her I'm sorry?
While it's important to give a formal apology in person when you've messed up, it's also good to follow up with a phone call or text to remind your fiancé how sorry you really are. Sending an “I'm sorry” text shows that you're trying to rebuild trust and repair your relationship.
A meaningful apology includes showing you're aware of how your actions have impacted the other person. This tells them you understand why they feel hurt. For example, you might say: 'I understand you must have felt really upset, angry and confused. '
Sometimes couples break up and get back together. At the same time, it's possible you're just not right for each other. Focus on winning her back and see where things go from there. Don't despair if things don't work out.
Avoid victimizing or feeling sorry for yourself. The goal is to gain her understanding, not her pity.
Keep an open posture. Stand straight with your arms at your sides. Don't cross your arms over your chest as this is commonly interpreted as a defensive stance.
“Space can be from a couple of hours to a couple of days or weeks,” says Ruiz, though he generally doesn't recommend his clients take longer than 3 to 4 weeks. “The timeframe that is being considered should be reasonable for both parties to agree with,” he says.
You'll know that she loves you if she prioritizes you, chooses you first, sees you as the prize, displays affection for you, and respects you. You'll feel the chemistry. It'll feel like energy pulling her toward you. The relationship will feel magnetic and natural.
Try sending something like, “I guess you're really busy, I'll stop bugging you.” If she reads this text and doesn't want the relationship to end, she'll probably respond right away. If She's Just Not That Into You, it will spur her to explain her lack of response and end things the right way.
I'm terribly sorry for everything, my intention was to never hurt you at all. Please let me know if there's anything at all that I can do to make it up to you. We both know that I'm not great with words, but I know I've completely messed up and just want to say that I'm so sorry.