Do you need to memorize physics and math formulas in college? Yes, but not like a list. It's more like they teach you a principle and then you solve a whole bunch of problems using the principles. Do it enough and you don't need to put any effort into remembering them, they become instinctual.
The right approach to Physics is to understand the underlying concepts and theories first and then solve the questions. It will help you correlate all the information and think of better solutions. Then memorize the formulas and equations. You can learn them to improve your basics.
Yet only one set of equations is considered so mathematically challenging that it's been chosen as one of seven “Millennium Prize Problems” endowed by the Clay Mathematics Institute with a $1 million reward: the Navier-Stokes equations, which describe how fluids flow.
Why is Physics harder than Math? Answer: Physics demands problem-solving skills that can be developed only with practice. It also involves theoretical concepts, mathematical calculations and laboratory experiments that adds to the challenging concepts.
The subject contains very complex concepts and sometimes acts like an experimental science. The calculations and formulas in physics problems can become pretty boring and serious. Concepts like potential energy, kinetic energy, vector quantities, scalar quantities, and hand rules are very difficult and confusing.
For anyone that finds mathematics particularly challenging, physics is likely to be “harder.” While chemistry incorporates mathematics as well, calculations are entirely inescapable in physics. A tough physics test question is essentially a combination of calculus plus a word problem.
What is 1247 Technique? Its a memory technique wherein you should revise whatever you have studied thrice after the 1st study. So effectively, you will study 4 times in 1-2-4-7 order.
You have to enjoy the gradual understanding, the figuring out of little things one at a time. If you don't enjoy the journey, then you'll never make it. No one “understands” physics. Some of us have a grip on bits of it possibly but things change and what was right yesterday is often a bit different today.
Most students take this course to fulfill a General Education perspective requirement, so the level of instruction is not as rigorous as a course for students who plan to major in physics. However, you will be expected to comprehend fundamental concepts and apply physical reasoning to a variety of situations.
How long does it take to fully understand physics?
If you want to learn and understand physics to the level of someone who learned it at university, or at least enough to understand what is going on in physics research at the moment and follow most research papers, you will need to dedicate at least 3 years of your time to studying this.
From their experience in high school, physics has math and formulae that must be understood to be applied correctly, but the study of biology relies mainly on memorization. But in reality biology is much more complex than the physical sciences, and understanding it requires more, not less, brain work.
Try to keep up and if you fall behind, prioritize recovery. Physics is one of those subjects—like maths—that scaffolds its knowledge outwards and upwards from a core foundation. ...
For decades, a math puzzle has stumped the smartest mathematicians in the world. x3+y3+z3=k, with k being all the numbers from one to 100, is a Diophantine equation that's sometimes known as "summing of three cubes." ∴ The required result will be 3xyz.
With a bit of a simplification, angular momentum (L) is defined as the distance of the object from a rotation axis multiplied by the linear momentum: L = r*p or L = mvr.