How to tell your crush you like them without making it weird?
“Set up the conversation in a way where they knows they have the choice to do what's right for them as well.” You might even say, “I'm not expecting you to say anything back, I just wanted to let you know how I feel.” Or, you might share your feelings and then give them space to digest what you've said.
Obvi telling someone you have strong feelings for them can be terrifying and majorly risky, but Brown says the conversation is well worth the anxieties. “If he or she is truly a potential lifelong partner, you should definitely give it a go,” he says.
If you think they have the same feelings for you, confessing to your crush can be a good idea. However, if you are uncertain of the relationship's future or if you have a fear of rejection, it would be best to keep your feelings to yourself to avoid getting hurt from expectations.
There are no rules: You don't have to label yourself gay or lesbian or queer or any other word simply over butterfly feelings. In fact, you don't ever have to label yourself. Sexuality is more than a spectrum or a gay-straight binary with bi firmly in the middle.
The longer you wait, the harder it will be, and the more you're likely to overthink it. Even if your crush says no, telling them sooner will give you a chance to move on more quickly. If they say yes, you can move on to your relationship faster!
When you're talking to your crush, listen if they say anything that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. If your crush frequently gives you compliments, then there's a good chance they know you like them and they're interested in you too. Try giving the person a few compliments to make them feel good as well.
If his gaze keeps slipping down to your lips while he's talking to you, it's a sign that he is admiring you, fantasising about you and might even want to start a stable, long-term relationship with you," says Madan.