There is no age limit for hair transplant. We usually take the hair follicles from the occipital area of the head.
The advisable age for hair transplant is 25 years and up to 75 years. The early 20s are not advisable as the patient tends to lose hair even after transplant with age, which looks highly unnatural as it leaves behind the transplanted strips.
It's generally agreed that balding and thinning can be treated up to Norwood stage 6. If your hair loss has progressed beyond stage 6, it may be too late to consider a hair transplant. However, if you're unsure, it's always best to consult with a clinic directly.
There is no age limit for hair transplant surgery, as long as you are healthy and have enough hair in your donor area.
Growing long hair past your 50s is not only possible, but it is also probable. You should not be forced to cut your hair because of breakage, dryness, or other age-related damage. As we understand aging and its impact on hair, products can be developed to counter its effects.
A patient with a donor area that contains at least 80 grafts per cm2 is an excellent candidate. On the other hand, patients with donor hair density less than 40 grafts/cm2 are poor candidates for hair restoration, and we must set realistic expectations for them.
The stages of progression of hair loss may or may not travel through each of all the stages and the development may stop at any time. Also, as previously stated, after the age of 30-35, hair loss slows down and gradually stabilizes.
Hair transplant surgery may be a good option for people who have hair thinning and hair loss. It may not be a permanent solution to thinning hair, but for many people, it can help restore hair fullness and self-confidence.
As we mentioned above, having a hair transplant when you're too young can lead to unnatural growth as you get older and your thinning hair pattern worsens. Likewise, if you have a history of extensive baldness, there may not be much that a transplant can do to help.
2000 grafts will cover between one third and half a head of hair. The exact amount is dependant upon the head size and donor hair quality.
Answer: Yes, it is possible for a patient who had a hair transplant to allow the hair to grow to a length where a ponytail could be worn. The only thing that really determines how long the hair will grow after hair transplantation is how long the patient decides to wait before he or she has a hair cut.
Hair transplant after 10 years: like the rest of your hair, your grafts age. Hair transplantation allows for a lasting result. The transplanted hair will not fall out permanently over time. They will follow the natural life cycle of hair, namely the three phases (growth, cessation of growth and fall).
A hair transplant is suitable for people with permanent baldness, the type that runs in families. It's not usually suitable for people with other types of hair loss, such as the type that causes bald patches (alopecia areata).
About 70% of men will lose hair as they get older. And 25% of bald men see first signs of hair loss before age 21. “Recent advances offer a lot of hope in both treating and preventing different types of baldness,” says dermatologist Amy Kassouf, MD. For example, researchers can now grow hair follicles in a lab.
On average it takes 15-25 years for men to go completely bald. This process can begin at any age. About two thirds of men are either bald or have a balding pattern by the age of 60. In a nutshell, there is no particular age when you can expect to see hair loss.
Because of these aging and environmental changes, some hair follicles stop producing new hair altogether. Over time, hair fibers become thinner and drop out, and unfortunately, they never regenerate.
And thankfully, according to, 94% of people who get a hair transplant are delighted with the results. However, that's not always the case. There are some hair transplant patients who bitterly regret making what they thought would be a life changing, confidence boosting decision.
Hair transplant is a safe surgery but there can be some complications, which may be in the form of complaints like postoperative pain, itching, dissatisfaction related to the procedure's outcome, or surgical complications such as infection, wound dehiscence or skin necrosis.
Relatively Poor Candidacy. Some patients will have poor quality or limited donor hair, making them relatively poor candidates for surgery, particularly if they have advanced balding.
The chances of a hair transplant failing are around 43%, according to an ISHRS study. This study, however, analyses failure based on the patient's satisfaction and whether hair transplant patients get their expected results. True hair transplant failure is when transplanted hair fails to grow.
Months 6-7: Steady Hair Growth
Around the half-year mark following surgery, your hair growth should be much steadier, with the hair quality improved. Do not expect these to be the final results of your hair transplant, however. Your hair growth and hair quality will continue to improve over the next six months.
The average person usually has approximately 4000 to 6000 hair grafts available in the donor area. Of course, this number can change from individual to individual.