This is a very casual way of saying goodbye (or rather, 'bye!) in French. Note that it also means “hi!” Adieu (Ah d'yew) Use this rather somber goodbye word only when you know you will never see the person again. Literally, it means “until God,” which gives you a strong clue as to the sense of finality it imparts.
Farewell is a fancy way to say goodbye. A farewell is also an expression of good wishes at a parting. If you're leaving a job after being there a long time, your co-workers might throw you a farewell party.
“I love you.” These three words are one of the greatest phrases to use in goodbyes. Practice saying them. “I forgive you.” or “I'm sorry.” These are powerful goodbye words and can transform you and the person who receives them for a lifetime. “Thank you” is another comforting goodbye phrase.
: an expression of good wishes when someone leaves : goodbye. a heartfelt adieu. bid his teammates adieu. often used interjectionally. Adieu, my friends!
Goodbye itself is one of the most formal ways to say goodbye, whereas informally it is very commonly shortened to just bye. Take care – This one can be used informally among friends too, but is often heard between strangers.
“Adieu” is almost last in my list because it's also no longer used in French. It literally means “See you (when we'll be with) God”. So that means you don't expect to see that person again anytime soon.
While au revoir is used when you expect to see someone again soon, adieu is used for definite farewells, when you don't expect to see the person again for a very long time or ever.
What is the difference between au revoir and adieu?
Au revoir means goodbye when it's expected that the two people will see each other again. Adieu, however, means goodbye forever. The word “adieu” is most commonly used when somebody passes away.
You might already know that adiós means goodbye in Spanish, but it's often a bit too formal to use in everyday conversation. For many Spanish speakers, adiós sounds more final, like farewell. A phrase like hasta luego is closer to a simple bye or see you later.
Thank you all and best of luck in the future!” “I have enjoyed my time here, but it is time for a new challenge. Thank you all and goodbye!” “I will be forever grateful for the opportunity you gave me.
“The hardest goodbye is the one shared with someone you've spent the most time. The unbearable pain of losing someone woven into the tapestry of who you are is a lingering agony that reminds you with each breath a part of you is missing.