She appears in the novel The Lord of the Rings. Arwen is one of the half-elven who lived during the Third Age; her father was Elrond half-elven, lord of the Elvish sanctuary of
Celeborn and Galadriel have two children together: a daughter, Celebrían, and a son, Amroth.
Elrond married Celebrían, daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel, early in the Third Age.
She was captured and tormented, receiving a poisoned wound. Her sons rescued her and she was physically healed by Elrond, but never fully recovered in mind or spirit, and no longer wished to stay in Middle-earth. She left for the Grey Havens and passed over the Great Sea the following year.
She joins them in Imaldris after they leave Eregion. There, Elrond falls in love with her, and during the Third Age, the two of them marry, making Galadriel Elrond's mother-in-law. By the tangled family trees of the various Elf clans, they're also cousins.
In The Silmarillion, Galadriel and Celeborn meet in the First Age of Middle-earth, in the elven realm of Doriath. They marry and have children, including their daughter Celebrían, who goes on to marry Elrond and give birth to Arwen.
Through her great-grandmother, Idril, Arwen was also a descendant of King Turgon of the Noldor. Through her mother, she was the granddaughter of the Elf-queen Galadriel of Lothlórien, and the great-granddaughter of Finarfin.
Elrond has only Half-Elf, and he was once given the choice to be counted among Man or Elves. When he chose to be counted as Elven kind, he was then given immortality. Because Arwen is Elrond's daughter and also Half-Elf, she too has the choice to be a mortal woman or an immortal Elf.
Princess Arwen Evenstar gave her beautiful necklace to Aragon to pledge her eternal love to him. This special gift from an immortal elf to a mortal man symbolized Arwen's decision to forsake her immortality to be with the person she truly loves.
Arwen didn't want Aragorn to die, because if he died so would she. She said she wasn't tired of living yet. But instead, Aragorn chose to die and Arwen lived a year longer before dying herself.
Yet, since Tolkien does give family trees for other important Elves in the book, such as Galadriel and Elrond, it's clear that Galadriel is not Legolas's mother. (Besides, she is one of the Noldor, not a Silvan or Sindar Elf.)
the Evenstar, a jewel which Arwen gives to her love Aragorn; invented for The Lord of the Rings film series directed by Peter Jackson.
Aragorn is not half Elf, although he is a descendant of Elros, who is half Elf (and the brother of Elrond, the half-Elf who raised him), which explains why Aragorn's life span is unusually long.
The Elven Queen of Mirkwood, or Thranduil's wife, was a female Elf married to King Thranduil, therefore being the Queen of Greenwood as well as the mother of Legolas Greenleaf.
It was as if the Ring had granted him a vision of what could happen if the great Elf were to wield its power. Jackson, on the other hand, used Galadriel's dark form as a visual cue for the audience. Specifically, it represented how she would become evil if she gave in to her deepest desire.
Arwen. Also known as Arwen Undómiel or "Evenstar," Arwen is the half-Elf daughter of Elrond and Celebrían.
She has a vision of a child clothed in white running across her path. She watches as the boy runs with his arms outstretched to his father, an aged Aragorn, who picks him up with joy and kisses him. As the boy looks at her and she sees he is wearing the Evenstar, she knows the boy to be her child.
They could be immortal as long as he stayed in Middle-Earth, and if they went with him to Valinor. But if he left and they didn't go with him, they became mortal—period. Arwen became mortal for sure when Elrond's ship left without her (and possibly even earlier, when she was married or betrothed to Aragorn).
In the year 121 of the Fourth Age, after Aragorn's death, Arwen died of a broken heart at Cerin Amroth in Lórien, and was buried there one year after the death of Aragorn, to whom she had been wedded for 122 years. She was 2901 years old.
Technically, Arwen is Aragorn's aunt, but it's not as weird as it sounds (at least within the context of Middle Earth). The romance and marriage of Arwen and Aragorn are unique in a variety of ways.
At this point Arwen has already given up her immortality, but now she grants the grace of the Eldar to Frodo, not giving him immortality since he is not one of the elves, but instead granting him a home in the undying lands when he does pass.
Aragorn led the forces of the Reunited Kingdom on military campaigns against some Easterlings and Haradrim, re-establishing rule over much territory that Gondor had lost in previous centuries. He died at the age of 210, after 122 years as king.
Sauron Feared Galadriel
Tolkien also stated that Sauron saw Galadriel as his equal, and therefore, in his rise to power he feared that she would go after that power herself. As we saw in The Fellowship of the Ring, Galadriel told Frodo that the One Ring would consume her and turn her into a Dark Queen.
They are both elvish nobles, as Legolas is the son of King Thranduil and Arwen is the daughter of Elrond. They are both well-educated and would have known each other as the community of elves is quite small. It's likely they would have been at least friendly with one another.
The Half-elves, or Peredhil, were people of Middle-earth whose name primarily applied to Elrond and Elros in the Second and Third Age, but also to Eärendil and his wife Elwing before them. They were called so because of their mixed Edain (Mannish) and Eldarin (Elven) blood.