Broccoli is rich in secoisolariciresinol, a type of lignan phytoestrogen ( 32 ). Brussels sprouts are rich in coumestrol, another type of phytonutrient that has been found to exhibit estrogenic activity ( 33 ). Cruciferous vegetables are rich in phytoestrogens, including lignans and coumestrol.
Vegetables of the Brassica genus, such as broccoli, contain a phytochemical, which may shift estrogen metabolism and increase the 2:16 ratio.
Packed within cruciferous veggies are phytochemicals that block the production of estrogen, allowing them to be an effective addition to an anti-estrogen diet. This group of vegetables includes kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and arugula.
All sprouts, including alfalfa, broccoli, and clover, contain a compound called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane helps the body to flush out excess estrogen by activating detox enzymes in the liver.
Cruciferous vegetables.
Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, brussels sprouts, turnips, arugula and all the other wonderful, sulfur-rich foods in this plant family contain 3,3'-diindolymethane (DIM). DIM is chemoprotective, helps reduce high estrogen levels and supports phase 1 of estrogen detox in the liver.
Broccoli contains molecules called glucosinolates which may inhibit iodine uptake and thyroid hormone formation, particularly in the event of an existing iodine deficiency. Eating brassica vegetables in moderation, cooking them, and adequate iodine intake can reduce these effects.
Broccoli, cabbage, and collard greens are all cruciferous vegetables rich in phytoestrogens (31). Broccoli is rich in secoisolariciresinol, a type of lignan phytoestrogen ( 32 ). Brussels sprouts are rich in coumestrol, another type of phytonutrient that has been found to exhibit estrogenic activity ( 33 ).
Research shows therapeutic levels are typically 50-75g of cruciferous vegetables (so not just broccoli but those listed above) with 2 daily meals. Add to this daily where possible 60g fresh broccoli sprouts which are a very concentrated source, available in health food stores and most supermarkets.
Exercise regularly. Research suggests that exercise can help to reduce high estrogen levels. Premenopausal women who engage in aerobic exercise for five hours a week or more saw their estrogen levels drop by nearly 19%. Cardio exercise helps the body break estrogen down and flush away any excess.
Carrots can help lower estrogen, combat bacterial growth, reduce inflammation, promote weight loss, and help excrete bacterial poisons called endotoxins. Reducing estrogen, inflammation and endotoxins can have many far-reaching downstream effects.
Carrots actually contain unique undigestible fibres to help detox excess estrogen from the body. Raw carrots have been found to help by preventing the reabsorption of estrogen from the intestine, meaning the liver can more effectively regulate metabolism.
Another source of estrogen in foods is animal estrogen. Products like eggs or milk contain high estrogen levels because they are produced in parts of the animal's body that regulate its hormones. Eating high estrogen foods can help people who suffer from various conditions related to low estrogen levels.
A Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center study involving postmenopausal, overweight, and obese women who took 2,000 IUs of vitamin D daily for a year found that those whose vitamin D blood levels increased the most had the greatest reductions in blood estrogens, which are a known risk factor for breast cancer.
In most cases, raw broccoli is safe to enjoy with little or no risks. However, like most vegetables in the cruciferous family, both raw and cooked broccoli may cause excessive gas or bloating in some people. Broccoli may cause digestive distress, particularly in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ( 12 ).
Health risks
In general, broccoli is safe to eat, and any side effects are not serious. The most common side effect is gas or bowel irritation, caused by broccoli's high amounts of fiber. "All cruciferous vegetables can make you gassy," Jarzabkowski said. "But the health benefits outweigh the discomfort."
Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits in the world. It is rich in healthy fats and fiber. According to research, avocado reduces absorption of estrogen and boosts testosterone levels.
Magnesium promotes healthy estrogen clearance
By supporting the COMT enzyme (catechol-o-methyltransferase) in the liver, magnesium promotes the healthy excretion of estrogen (9). This may reduce the risk of the estrogen excess conditions (such as fibroids) associated with low COMT function (10).
Consuming 200 milligrams or more of caffeine per day-roughly equivalent to two cups of coffee-can either increase or decrease a woman's estrogen level, depending on her ethnic background and the source of the caffeine, a study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) finds.
Green tea consumption, but not black tea, was also associated with reduced levels of estrone and estradiol among postmenopausal women20. Green tea's estrogen reduction activity may result from tea polyphenols inhibiting aromatase, the key enzyme converting androgens to estrone or estradiol21.
Your liver is the primary organ that breaks down and rids the body of excess estrogen, a common cause of hormonal imbalance. Therefore, you need to support the liver with supplements like turmeric, vitamin C, and alpha-lipoic acid. Eat plenty of vitamin C-rich foods like oranges and strawberries.
It's very important to know which estrogen dominance foods to avoid. You should steer clear of red meats, processed food, refined carbs, and foods rich in saturated fats. These categories of foods have a negative impact on the body in general.
Some common causes of high estrogen include: An imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, specifically low progesterone during the luteal phase. Changes in the way your body breaks down and gets rid of estrogen. An overproduction of estrogen, often caused by excess adipose (fat) tissue.