Yes, Capilano honey is 100% pure Australian honey. There's absolutely nothing added, it's just as nature intended. Read on to discover a few of our FAQs about our honey.
– 100% Pure Australian Organic Raw Honey –
Smooth, sweet and fragrant, Capilano Organic Raw Honey is just as nature intended, made by Aussie bees that have foraged native eucalypt and ground flora in Australia's pristine national parks and forests.
Capilano's premium, bioactive Manuka honey has a rich, smooth, caramel taste. Squeeze the bioactive goodness of Capilano Active Manuka honey into your daily cup of tea, coffee, smoothies, yoghurt or cereal, or simply enjoy by the spoonful.
Capilano remains 100% pure Australian honey and is Australian made and owned. Some of our longest supplying beekeepers have passed their craft down to their children and grandchildren, who continue to supply their honey to us today!
Yes, Capilano honey is 100% pure Australian honey. There's absolutely nothing added, it's just as nature intended. Read on to discover a few of our FAQs about our honey.
The investigation followed allegations in the media that a number of honey products including Capilano's 'Allowrie' honey, labelled 'pure' and '100% honey' were adulterated with sugar syrup. The allegations were based on results arising from a testing process known as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) testing.
1 Honey Brand with No Sugar Adulteration - 1kg. In stock.
More is more: Australia's unmatchable variety of Manuka
The diversity of Australia's Manuka trees is vastly superior to New Zealand. Australia is home to 83 species of Manuka, 12 of which have bioactive, medicinal properties, making them ideal for high-MGO Manuka production. In comparison, New Zealand has only one.
Manuka honey, favoured for its medicinal qualities, is produced from the nectar of different species of leptospermum plants, which are native to both Australia and New Zealand.
Manuka honey is most commonly found in New Zealand, though Australia has a few producers of this unique sweetener as well. If you come across honey that's labeled as Manuka but not from New Zealand or Australia, it's probably best to steer clear.
Testing pure honey with heat
Dip a cotton swab in your honey and carefully light it with a match. If it catches, or starts bubbling and caramelizing, you probably have pure honey.
Drop a teaspoon of honey into a glass of water. Fake honey will immediately start to dissolve, whilst raw honey will drop to the bottom of the glass intact. Place a drop of room temperature or cooler honey on your finger, If the 'honey' spreads then it is fake honey.
Active Manuka Honey is today prized for its health supporting properties, and widely studied for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.
1. Manuka. Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand. It is harvested from the blooms of Manuka trees that grow abundantly there.
Choosing the right type of honey
However, it is best for your health to opt for raw honey. Raw honey is unprocessed and can be purchased at health food stores and vitamin shops. "It is best to always try to use raw, organic honey with no preservatives, added sugar, or any other types of additives," says Selvakumar.
Among all the varieties, manuka honey is the most expensive and is known for its health benefits and purity. The price of manuka honey varies depending on its MGO rating.
The honey brands that passed the NMR test are Markfed Sohna, Saffola and Nature's Nectar.
The term 100% honey means the honey hasn't been blended with corn syrup or other additives, as opposed to filtered unfiltered.
A jar of honey labeled pure generally means it was not diluted with other ingredients like corn syrup. Most pure honey has been pasteurized and filtered to remove all the debris. The resulting product is still 100% honey; however, the label itself doesn't always tell you much about how it was produced.
Smooth, sweet and fragrant, Capilano Organic Raw Honey is made by Aussie bees that have foraged native eucalypt and ground flora in Australia's pristine national parks and forests. Discover a Premium Taste. Perfectly pure, this honey is delicious drizzled on toast, cereal, tea, smoothies and yogurt.
Based in Wheatvale in Queensland's Southern Downs, the Stevens family are fourth-generation beekeepers who have supplied Capilano for over 60 years. With beekeeping in their blood, David and Rosie involved their sons, Jacob and Connor in the family business from a very young age.
Capilano University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).