Dark chocolate has many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, improving vascular system function, and reducing total cholesterol and LDL. These significant benefits could reduce chronic kidney disease or kidney failure complications. However, milk chocolate bars can also harm those with kidney disease.
Chocolate, or the compounds within it, does not have any known negative effect on kidney function. However, if you already have kidney disease you may have to limit your intake of chocolate due to the high content of potassium or other minerals.
Don't eat ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, lunch meats, chicken tenders or nuggets, or regular canned soup. Only eat reduced-sodium soups that don't have potassium chloride as an ingredient (check the food label.) Also, only eat 1 cup, not the whole can.
Fruits: berries, grapes, cherries, apples, plums. Veggies: cauliflower, onions, eggplant, turnips. Proteins: lean meats (poultry, fish), eggs, unsalted seafood.
Yet people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have to limit dairy products in their kidney diet. High levels of phosphorus, potassium and calcium in something like low-fat milk are not good for someone on a kidney diet.
Most dairy foods are very high in phosphorus. People with kidney disease should limit their daily intake of milk, yogurt, and cheese to ½ cup milk, or ½ cup yogurt or 1-ounce cheese.
Water: Water is simply the best drink you can have! Water is a zero-calorie, perfectly hydrating, cheap drink. If you are in the earlier stages of kidney disease, choosing water most of the time to quench your thirst will keep your body and kidneys functioning well.
Individuals with kidney disease should limit their intake of yogurt because it is high in potassium and phosphorus. Yogurt is high in protein, a nutrient that dialysis patients require. It's also high in calcium and vitamin D.
Healthy options for kidney disease are protein, egg whites, fish, unsaturated fats, fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, apple juice, grape and cranberry juice, light colored soda. The amount of protein intake per day varies depending on the stage of kidney disease.
Diabetes is the most common cause of kidney disease. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. But also heart disease and obesity can contribute to the damage that causes kidneys to fail. Urinary tract issues and inflammation in different parts of the kidney can also lead to long-term functional decline.
Most leavening agents used to bake breads may contribute large amounts of phosphorus, potassium, sodium or calcium, making the recipe unfriendly for people with kidney disease.
Most people with early-stage CKD or a kidney transplant do not have to limit tomatoes because of potassium. If your laboratory results show higher levels of potassium, your doctor or kidney dietitian may talk with you about how much to eat. Potassium can be a concern depending on the amount you eat.
Candy not recommended on a kidney diet
Chocolate and nuts contain high amounts of phosphorus and potassium. Your dietitian can help you see which candy is acceptable and which is not. Here are examples of candy types that are not recommended for people with kidney disease or on dialysis.
Beta-Carotene Benefits
Beta-carotene, the water-soluble form of vitamin A in carrots, helps the kidneys filter toxins out of the blood and prevent urinary tract infections, according to Dr. George D.
Foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt, such as crisps, chocolate, biscuits and cakes, can be included in your diet. However, because they do not contain good nutrients, they should only be included in small amounts occasionally.
Milk, yogurt, and cheese can be part of a healthy kidney diet. Shop for natural cheeses, avoiding items labeled “cheese food” or “cheese product.” Greek yogurt and cottage cheese can be easy and tasty snacks, and, in most cases, milk servings should be 1 cup per day.
Butter contains saturated fat, which increases your risk for heart disease. The National Kidney Foundation notes that heart disease is a major risk factor for kidney disease and vice versa. Consume less butter, lard and shortening to reduce your intake of saturated fat and lower your risk for heart and kidney disease.
While it's not possible to reverse kidney damage, you can take steps to slow it down. Taking prescribed medicine, being physically active, and eating well will help. You'll also feel better and improve your overall well-being.
Control your blood pressure.
Keeping your blood pressure within a healthy range may help slow the progression of kidney disease. This is especially true in people who have diabetes and protein in the urine (proteinuria).