Is citrus OK for rabbits?

So you can feed rabbits oranges and tangerines to give them a boost of Vitamin C, but those aren't the only citrus fruit you can feed your furry friend. It is also safe for rabbits to eat clementines, satsumas, and grapefruit. Bunnies can even eat orange peels as an occasional treat!

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Are oranges safe for rabbits?

The answer is yes—in moderation. Oranges are healthy and can add nutrition and variety to a rabbit's diet. However, this fruit also has high sugar content, so your bunnies should only be allowed to eat oranges in moderation. When feeding your bunny any new food, introduce it gradually and in small amounts.

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What fruits are toxic to rabbits?

Apples and pears are the most notorious examples, but the pits from apricots, peaches, plums, and mangos also contain cyanide, as do cherry pits. While the amount of cyanide contained in fruit seeds and pits is generally scant, it is best to avoid feeding them to rabbits altogether.

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Is lemon toxic to rabbits?

Although lemon is not poisonous, it should not be fed to your rabbit. Generally, rabbits do not handle citric fruits well, and they may not like lemons anyway because of the sour taste.

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Can rabbits eat lemons and limes?

Although lemon isn't toxic to rabbits, it isn't great for them either. It contains high quantities of citric acid, and this could cause quite a few digestive issues if your rabbit gets too much of it. For example, it can result in diarrhea and stomach pain.

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5 Houseplants that are Safe for Rabbits (and 5 that are NOT!)

38 related questions found

Can rabbits eat tomato?

“A small acorn-size amount of seedless tomato per day is perfectly fine for a rabbit older than 12 weeks of age,” Henson said. So in general, tomatoes are an OK fruit to share with your rabbit, just as long as it's a small amount and the flesh part of a seedless tomato only.

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Are limes safe for rabbits?


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What is poisonous for rabbits to eat?

Apple seeds – contain cyanide, can be deadly in the right quantity. Apricots, peaches & plums – cyanide in seeds/pits, high-sugar fruits. Onion bulbs, chives and garlic – can cause fatal gastric upset. Parsnips – contain psoralens, which are poisonous to bunnies.

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What tastes bad to rabbits?

If your rabbit chews the carpet, some rabbits will dislike the taste of bitter sprays for pets, hot pepper sauce or flakes, vinegar, or rubbed-in Ivory soap, but they can be a hit and miss. Some bunnies will not care or even love the taste.

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What taste do rabbits hate the most?

Onions, garlic, marigolds, lavender, catnip-many plants are credited with being deterrents to rabbits. What they all have in common is a strong scent.

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What are 4 things you should not feed your rabbit?

Cookies, nuts, seeds, grains, and bread should not be fed to rabbits. "Cookies, nuts, seeds, grains, and bread should not be fed to rabbits." Fruits can be fed in very limited quantities – no more than 1-2 tablespoons of high-fiber fresh fruit (such as apple, pear, or berries) every 1-2 days.

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Can bunnies eat cucumbers?

Yes, it is safe for rabbits to eat cucumber! Most rabbits will love the fresh taste. Rabbits can also eat cucumber leaves. Before feeding cucumber to your rabbit, wash it in cold water to remove pesticides.

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What is the best fruit for rabbits?

Fruit: Give to a bunny once or twice per week
  • Apple (no seeds)
  • Banana.
  • Berries: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries.
  • Cherries (no seeds)
  • Grapes.
  • Melon.
  • Nectarine.
  • Orange.

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Can rabbits have mandarins?

Rabbits can also eat small portions of mandarins, tangerines, clementines, satsumas, and grapefruit. Keep in mind that all citrus fruits are highly acidic, which can be harmful to a rabbit's digestive system when given in excess. Also, consuming too many sweet foods can lead to obesity in rabbits.

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Can rabbits eat banana?

High in sugar, apples should only be fed to rabbits as a treat. Also high in sugar, it's safe for rabbits to eat bananas occasionally. Rabbits have a sweet tooth, so grapes are great as a treat.

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Is Apple OK for rabbits?

Carrots and apples are fine as occasional treats in small amounts, but don't feed any other treats, as these may harm your rabbit. Find out more about making feeding time fun for your rabbits.

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Do rabbits like the smell of citrus?

The astringent smell of citrus, such as orange or lemon peels, can deter rabbits. Placing citrus peels around plants or using citrus sprays can help repel them.

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Is it OK for rabbits to eat cardboard?

Yes, but be careful with the amount of cardboard that they eat. Probably the reason why pet rabbits love to eat cardboard is that it packs on cellulose, which is a significant component of leaves and vegetables that they eat. However, this does not tell us that cardboards can be meal replacements.

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Why can't rabbits eat iceberg lettuce?

Myth #3 - Rabbits eat lettuce

Rabbits shouldn't eat some lettuces (such as iceberg), as they contain lactucarium, which can be harmful in large quantities. Some lettuce is 'worse' than others - light-coloured varieties are high in water and have very little nutritional value, so are not recommended.

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Can rabbits have broccoli?

Do not give broccoli to rabbits. It will give them painful gas. Never give your rabbit kale or spinach. Kale and spinach can cause health problems over time, due to the high amount of oxalates and goitrogens.

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What are 10 safe foods for rabbits?

You can include arugula, basil, bok choy, broccoli leaves, carrot tops, celery, clover, collard greens, dandelion leaves, dill, endive, kale in small quantities, romaine and dark leaf lettuce, mint, mustard greens, parsley, and watercress.

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Can rabbits have lemon branches?

Branches help prevent overgrown teeth but check which are safe to be given to rabbits: Willow, spruce, ash (tree), maple (sugar and silver), juniper, poplar, apple, pear, hawthorn, hazel and citrus trees are all safe branches for rabbits to chew on.

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Can I give my rabbit avocado?

When you think of ideal rabbit snacks, fresh fruits and veggies probably come to mind. Avocados, however, should never be included in your bunny's diet. According to Small Pet Select, this fatty fruit can be deadly if ingested by a rabbit.

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What vegetables can rabbit not eat?

What can rabbits not eat? These foods are poisonous for your rabbit and could make her ill: Potatoes, daffodils, tulips, rhubarb, lillies, mushrooms, avocado, broad beans, sweet peas, buttercup, kidney beans, jasmine, foxglove and iceberg lettuce.

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