Fairy-type Pokemon are strong against Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type opponents, so it's best to avoid taking these into battle wherever possible. When it comes to resistances, Fairy-type Pokemon are totally immune to Dragon-type attacks and resistant to Bug, Dark, and Fighting-type attacks.
The Pokémon of this type have the highest average Special Defense of all types. The Fairy type is also immune to Dragon-type damage.
On the other hand, Fairy type Pokémon are immune to Dragon type moves, so they're quite a reliable way to protect your team from Dragon Pokémon.
By that same token, ghost types are effective against psychic types, and dragon types are weak to fairy attacks. There are several interactions, however, that may not be obvious at first. For instance, ice types are weak to steel attacks, for some reason, and bug attacks are super effective against psychic types.
One theory is that dragons represent raw power and brute force, while fairies represent innocence and purity. Therefore, the fairies' natural ability to overcome the dragons represents the triumph of good over evil.
Fairy-type Pokemon are strong against Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type opponents, so it's best to avoid taking these into battle wherever possible. When it comes to resistances, Fairy-type Pokemon are totally immune to Dragon-type attacks and resistant to Bug, Dark, and Fighting-type attacks.
Although Fairy-type was initially meant to act as a counter to Dragon-type and further balance the games, it has actually surpassed Dragon in strength and become the most overpowered type in all of Pokémon.
According to legend and many sources, dragons are actually impervious to magic, so Dragon types should actually be immune to Fairy type attacks.
The Fairy-Type Pokémon have what is considered the highest average Special Defense of all types. Special Defence measures the resistance to damage a Pokémon can endure when dealing with a Special Attack. They are also immune to damage from the Dragon-Type.
Physical information
Even though Charizard gains the Flying secondary type instead of the Dragon type upon evolving, it belongs to the Dragon Egg Group, learns Dragon moves like Dragon Claw, and has its Flying type replaced by Dragon in its "Mega Charizard X" form.
Dragon Rage always inflicts exactly 40 damage if it hits. It has no secondary effects and does not take weaknesses or resistances into account; however, it does not ignore type immunity. No, it will not hit Fairy type Pokemon.
Hydreigon. While it isn't as powerful since the introduction of the Fairy Type severely weakened its combat prowess, generation 5's Hydreigon is still an imposing Dragon Pokémon. First introduced in Black and White, this dual Dark/Dragon-Type creature is one of the most creative typings in the latter family of species.
Shadow Gardevoir is by far the best Fairy-type in Pokemon GO, thanks not only to its huge damage potential but also its dual typing.
Oberon (/ˈoʊbərɒn/) is a king of the fairies in medieval and Renaissance literature.
Cinderella is allegedly the world's favourite fairy tale, with hundreds of versions around the globe. Not all feature the fairy godmother, but she is in the version most of us know best and remember from our earliest days, whether from books, film, pantomime, or ballet.
Fire is super effective against Grass, Steel, and Bug. It is not super effective against Fairy types. Which means the Pokemon you used the fire move on had to be a Grass/Fairy, Bug/Fairy, Steel/Fairy, or Ice/Fairy type.
There already is a Pokémon that is both Dragon and Fairy at the same time. Mega Altaria is Dragon/Fairy, making it weak to Fairy, Ice, Poison, and Steel attacks.
It is speculated that they all have a number of common abilities within them, like magical knowledge (being able to cast magic thanks to their knowledge and nature), invisibility (as they can hide from humans who have not been to the Fairy Realm), enhanced strength, possibly immortality, and telekinesis (the ability to ...
Why Does Fire Resist Fairy? This resistance likely references folk lore where fae are traditionally said to be weak towards iron and fire. As fairy types are also weak against steel this would make sense. Fairy Pokémon play towards their natural strengths, being super effective against dragons.
Unlike the Fairies from the original series, the Fairies in Fate: The Winx Saga are not solely female and there are both female and male Fairies in the show.