Is it better to be silent or talkative?

Abraham Lincoln said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." I'm not suggesting you remain silent all the time. But it's all too easy to speak thoughtlessly, with insufficient information, or out of a wrong assumption.

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Should we be silent and not speak?

Scripture tells us that silence can help us avoid sinning (Proverbs 10:19), gain respect (Proverbs 11:12), and is deemed wise and intelligent (Proverbs 17:28). In other words, you may be blessed by holding your tongue. Ultimately, refraining from speaking in certain situations means we are practicing self-control.

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What psychology says about silent people?

Quiet people are more likely to be thoughtful and sensitive, but they're also less likely to get angry or frustrated quickly. They may have trouble expressing their emotions at first because they're not used to showing them in public or in front of other people.

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Is being silent a toxic trait?

Most psychologists indicate that it depends on the situation. When silence, or, rather, the refusal to engage in a conversation, is used as a control tactic to exert power in a relationship, then it becomes "the silent treatment," which is toxic, unhealthy, and abusive.

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Why do people prefer to be silent?

Silence offers opportunities for self-reflection and daydreaming, which activates multiple parts of the brain. It gives us time to turn down the inner noise and increase awareness of what matters most. And it cultivates mindfulness — recognition and appreciation of the present moment.

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How to be Silent Person (Animated Story)

45 related questions found

Are talkative people happier?

Talking to strangers may make you happier, study on 'relational diversity' finds A study finds that we are happier the more we talk with different categories of people — colleagues, family, strangers — and the more evenly our conversations are spread out among those groups.

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What personality is talkative?

A person who is talkative likes to talk — she's friendly and ready to gab at all times about just about anything. We all have conversations, but some people enjoy talking more than others: those people are talkative.

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Are talkative people smart?

21. The results suggest that people perceive very talkative individuals to be of above aver- age intelligence, although very intelligent people are not necessarily perceived as being very talkative.

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Why being silent is powerful?

With all of the constant noise you hear on a day-to-day basis, embracing silence can help stimulate your brain and help you process information. It can also help you become more self-aware and relieve stress. Embracing silence may also help you settle into the present moment and quiet any racing thoughts.

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Why is staying silent better?

When you practice solitude and silence, you allow your brain to process your emotions, rather than suppressing them and remaining on autopilot. You may feel some uncomfortable emotions through this process, but the sooner you recognize and address your feelings, the sooner you can move forward in health and freedom.

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Is being silent intelligent?

Quiet people are seen as intellectual, informative, wise, and erudite. Take your time with your responses and think of something helpful or insightful that will contribute to the conversation in a positive way. Practice thinking about things before you even say them.

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Is staying silent powerful?

Cain makes the argument that there can be times when saying nothing can be much more powerful than talking. In other words, there is real power in silence. In fact, Chinese philosopher Lau Tzu said, " Silence is a source of great strength."

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Is being silent a weakness?

We seem to think that silence is a sign of weakness. That being ignored is tantamount to death (and for the ego, this is true). So we talk, talk, talk as though our life depends on it. In actuality, silence is strength — particularly early on in any journey.

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Is being silent intimidating?

Silence Can Be Intimidating and Revealing Without Being Forceful. Perhaps the anticipation created through silence is so powerful, even our naval forces have tapped into the hidden potential of silence and have developed a weapon to stop people from talking.

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What is the most quiet personality type?

INTJs are typically very quiet and reserved unless they happen to meet someone who, like them, loves exploring theoretical concepts, analyzing possibilities, and dreaming up long-term goals. That said, they're not typically very verbal when it comes to discussing their feelings or people's personal lives.

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What kind of personality do quiet people have?

An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what's happening externally. They enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds.

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Which personality type is the friendliest?

1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.

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Do guys like talkative girl?

Do guys like talkative girls? There is a different kind of girl for every guy. Some guys like talkative girls and some don't. The a lot of the guys I know that do like talkative girls do not like when a girl talks a lot but doesn't *say* anything.

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What are the benefits of being a talkative person?

Being talkative can help you get to know more people, talk more, make more small talk, get to know people on a deeper level. It can help you have a good time and rarely experience any awkward silences.

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Why am I such a talkative person?

Excessive talking is when a person talks compulsively or excessively. Reasons that someone may talk excessively include mental health disorders, personality characteristics, and personality disorders. Excessive talking can create a social burden for both the talking person and their listeners.

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Why you shouldn't stay silent?

Moments of silence are used in contemplation, reflection and in remembrance of loved ones that we have lost. However, remaining silent also can be highly unethical. We should be careful that our silence is not deceptive, allowing others to believe what we know for certain is not true.

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Why do people avoid silent people?

Why do people dislike a quiet person? Quiet people often observe first and only talk when they have something to say. Some can find this unsettling – they don't know what you're thinking, and this may make them uncomfortable.

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Why silent people are intimidating?

Their objectivity and the ability to be less likely to be affected by certain emotional cues make an introvert to appear intimidating to other people and make them likely to be manipulated or swayed.

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