Cereal. As any cereal lover will tell you, it's not just for mornings. In fact, getting stuck in a bowl before bed can help you fall asleep at night. Cereals that are made from corn, oats, wheat, rice and barley all contain melatonin and tryptophan, which we've seen before, relax the body and aid the onset of sleep.
It's tempting to reach for a box of cereal when hunger strikes at night, but most cereals contain large amounts of carbohydrates. This causes a spike and drop in blood sugar, which is especially problematic if you're diabetic or pre-diabetic. You may want to avoid eating cereal before sleeping.
A low-sugar option such as Weetabix is packed with fibre, which regulates sugar levels and helps you stay full for longer, stopping you from waking up hungry. Chamomile tea: Contains apigenin, which binds to the sleep receptors in your brain that help you nod off.
The tryptophan, calcium and magnesium found in milk, as well as the whole-grain carbohydrates in cereal, may lull you to sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Eating cereal at night can be healthy, as long as you're choosing the right kinds of cereal.
“As sugar may act as an inflammatory that disturbs sleep, it is best to avoid it as much as possible close to bedtime. As a general rule, I recommended that someone not eat sugar for 2 to 3 hours before bedtime to allow for proper digestion,” neurologist and sleep physician Brandon R.
According to Buchanan, protein “is the most immediately satiating macronutrient.” That's why nuts, hummus, and yogurt are all such excellent late-night snacks. Since melatonin is a sleep-enhancing hormone, foods rich in it such as pistachios, bananas, and grapes also serve as excellent bedtime treats.
What've more whole grains cereals are even considered complex carbs, which aid healthy digestion and enhance optimal brain function? So once it's a healthy brand and low in sugar, a bowl of cereal before bed is the perfect start to a good night's sleep.
Weetabix is an ideal food from a healthy eating point of view as it is low in fat, high in fibre and low in sugar. It provides an excellent breakfast and an ideal snack any time of the day, including bedtime. However, balance is the key, and you can have too much of a good thing.
Why cereal might be tastier at night. According to a study reported by Science Daily, the body's internal clock, which is also known as the circadian system, causes the body to crave sweeter or saltier foods at night. That could explain why you find yourself reaching for that late-night bowl of cereal.
Sweet Dreams comes in two flavors, Blueberry Midnight and Honey Moonglow and each is packed with ingredients to support someone's natural melatonin production.
Unsweetened crunchy cereal can be used to garnish soups and can be tossed into stir-fries or can be used to top frozen desserts or fruit salads. Ready-to-eat cereals can even be made into a more-than-usually-nutritious pie crust. Cereal-it's not just for breakfast anymore-it belongs at every meal you serve.
“Cereal can be a good option for weight loss if it's made from whole grains and has minimal or no added sugars in it,” says Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD, a senior clinical dietitian at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. This type of cereal can keep you satisfied and satiated while you cut calories, she adds.
Cereal provides complex carbohydrates including dietary fibre and proteins. They are typically low in fat, nutrient dense and in most cases fortified with many essential vitamins and minerals. They are not only convenient but also provide the much needed nourishment.
At Healthy Food Guide, we have no problem with people – children and adults alike – eating Weet-Bix as part of a balanced diet. As breakfast cereals go, Weet-Bix is low in sugars, sodium and saturated fat, while being high in fibre. To make a balanced breakfast, we'd recommend adding skim/trim milk.
Is there a right way to eat Weetabix? Well traditionally, it's always been Bix first, then the milk, but we believe rules were meant to be broken and sometimes you've got to switch it up. “Putting the milk in first means you can keep your Bix crisp and crunchier for longer so it's really a preference on texture.
Based on our investigations, it appears the best way to eat your Weetabix is with cold milk and bananas.
Dairy products such as Greek Yogurt contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which may help you to feel drowsier before heading to bed. After you eat foods rich in tryptophan, your body converts it into two hormones, serotonin and melatonin, which may promote a restful night's sleep.
Tryptophan and melatonin
Your two best friends for a restful night. Milk (and other dairy products) are a really good source of tryptophan. It's an amino acid that can help promote sleep, so it can come in particularly handy especially if you're used to tossing and turning before finally getting off to sleep.